damn girls... i think i need to start to play samp again.
do u mean supa4real?
omg what!!!!!!!!!? i am not a girl
,I'm more man than you 

do u think your muscles are everything and only you got it? lol
i go to the gym too and practice martial arts but i do it for myself
this is only addition to life
real man knows that in life are more important things like well paid job or forward thinking but you act like 10 years old kid who found new toy (mirror, barbells or camera?
and i have question to you - why are you showing hundreds photos with your body?

you go to the gym? you have bad genetics
seems you were not the gym,I see you rather chubby no offense
you practice martial arts?because you tell me?not scare me 
yea, i don't look like a guy who go to gym cos i have shirt and you are very funny evaluating my genetics by head and fingers
i will tell you something - muscles are not important to me cos i have plenty of things to do in life more important than a gym
i don't scare you... i just telling you i don't do it for show or fame and it's not all my life
when i'm reading yours posts with the tons of your pictures i just see a limited empty guy who think he is great because he go to gym
answer my question and reinstall brain