my dad was in prison for 5 years and now lives under bridge, and my stepdad did nothing for me.

life's shit

i cant say dad that i need the money for whores
Fucking whores is better than having tattoo on arms,you could use condom and fuck in dark room when nobody will know what you doing.
But tattoo on arm or even neck could see every stranger on street and be sure they wont respect you more cause you have spider or other animal painted on your body.
guys l think u're missunderstanding me
l dont need a tattoo to gain respect , it's been my dream to have a tattoo for over 3 years and l really think the tattoo will suit me in that part of body
Anyway l will discuss it with a couple of friends ....
Hmm many guys said me it's bad .... the reason :
5 years ago three guys had this tattoo in their neck . They used to rob banks . One of them got caught ...... after 1 year the other 2 guys were prisoned just because of their tattoo , it was the only way how the police identificated them lol .
These guys killed a 4 people , that's why this tattoo is as a bad sign ... but l really didn't know about that :/ , was too young ....
Hmmm hmmm it's not the end of the world if l dont make that tattoo