4th AdrenalineX TournamentFormatThe tournament will be in an elimination format. This means that every round, a number of players with the slowest times will be eliminated. With 16 rounds, the number of players eliminated each round will decrease as the rounds go on, with only 1 person being eliminated in the last few rounds.
AttemptsEvery player will have two attempts at the race each round. Both attempts will have to be taken one after the other, so don't be surprised when you are forced into a second run.
You will have 3 days to make your attempt (approx 72 hours). If you don't make the deadline, you will not set a time and will therefore be put to the bottom of the standings for that round.
Second chances won't be given. If you hit a bump, have connection problems, miss a CP or something unlucky along those lines, sorry but it's just bad luck. This goes for whether you were in your first or second attempt.
Don't backtrack. This is considered cheating and you will be disqualified if you do it.
VehiclesVoting on the vehicles has closed and the ones that will be in the tournament are:
- Cheetah
- Bullet
- Buffalo
- Infernus
- Flash
- Turismo
- NRG-500
- Alpha
- Super GT
- Sultan
- Banshee
- Elegy
- Phoenix
- Sandking
- Voodoo
- Comet
Which vehicle will be in which round will be decided at random. The races will hopefully be made to the strengths of each vehicle, but I'm sure some of you (MadMax) will disagree with me lol.
CommandsAll you need is /tourney. Ask for an admin to enter you into the tourney.
Make sure you are ready, you won't get a second chance!
CheatingAnyone caught cheating, whether it be helping people, practicing, providing information or anything along those lines will be disqualified or perhaps even harsher punishment put in place.
TimesEach round will have it's own thread to say when the sround starts, ends and any questions people may have.
There will also be a thread or page with the times on it which will update automatically.
Page with timesI encountered a bug once or twice where when I entered the tournament from an MTA race above the sea, it bugged the tourney. It didn't happen every time, but I suggest you wait until a regular race until you enter the tourney.I'm sure I've missed stuff, so if I remember I'll update this post.