did you gave your password to RAZOR?

i say it only in pm
i mean say to some one admin if they need to unblocked my profile. i don`t trying join with Bupyc maybe my password fits.

If not how he hacked it?

, i thought this is impossible. maybe he guess a password because my password "the most complicated password in the solar system"

. but maybe he is a genius-kid-motherhacker.
why do you know that it was RAZOR who hacked your account?
beacose Bupyc(on english it`s - Virus) joined immediately after razor was banned & was banned too, that day he change many nick`s and many times was banned by fanta
earlier razor want join in my new clan [USSR] & many times spam in pm but i don`t want it & don`t speak with him. day before yesterday i join on server and see [USSR]SAN_FIERO and I immediately thought that this RAZOR.
one day RAZOR say me in pm - "i know you". and i thought maybe it was he hacked my profile(Bupyc from UA too like & razor). so he played on this server when i was GANSTA & remember me(for my love to CAPS LOCK

& good driving

). i don`t play 2 or 3 months and he probably thought hacked my profile(because my position in rank was in top 50 & he was noob) and no one not notice this. i decided to wait while he will show himself the really(because he is a kid) & this day come(MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

) the biggest hacker on this server(for me 100%) was banned to forever.

P.S. my old profile was hacked through several days or week when i start play with new nick, and i remember rank of my old profile.
P.S.S. TOP SECRET - i use Google-Nooble translator

so sorry for possible errors

O.M.G. thank god i join on the server that day and saw it all.