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Code: [Select]taskkill /im samp.exe /fstart ax2.batsamp.exe
taskkill /im samp.exe /fstart ax2.batsamp.exe
Code: [Select]ping -n 4 >NULtaskkill /im samp.exe /fexit
ping -n 4 >NULtaskkill /im samp.exe /fexit
Quote from: ax.batCode: [Select]taskkill /im samp.exe /fstart ax2.batsamp.exe from: ax2.batCode: [Select]ping -n 4 >NULtaskkill /im samp.exe /fexit
Quote from: mooman on October 22, 2009, 12:18:03 amQuote from: ax.batCode: [Select]taskkill /im samp.exe /fstart ax2.batsamp.exe from: ax2.batCode: [Select]ping -n 4 >NULtaskkill /im samp.exe /fexithm lol, looks simple
The new version now works for all CPUs from 2 cores to 32 cores (heh, I shouldn't have to update for a while )
taskkill /im samp.exe /fstart ax2.batsamp.exe
For some reason when I want to go to the server by clicking the AX icon, my antivirus gave me a virus warning message :O Says it's a trojan. The strange thing is, yesterday was everything ok lol
Since we changed our port (from 27026 to 7777) and the only the IP was set to "auto-update", you'll need to install the icon again if you want to continue using it. Just go to http://adrenalinex.co.uk/files/AdrenalineX_Icon.exe like before and it'll automatically upgrade your icon to a working version.
by using two different exes and switching the names around each time we play
* ﱡ קּﻰﺢ Love rams through the scene
* ﱡ קּﻰﺢ Love rams through the scene
Thanks! This is something I've really missed and was very happy to find.
hm run as admin
It says the same for me, but I don't have any problems cause of it.
HELLO :>ERROR: "samp.exe" process not found.This happens when I join with Icon.. Game starts anyway but sometimes I time-out and I think it's due to this problem since it doesn't happen when I'm not using it! Any suggestions?
hey, who said i had an obligation to reply to every post in this thread?
and i guarantee that i will reply to every single post in this thread (except my own because that would cause an infinite loop)
hey, who said i had an obligation to reply to every post in this thread? Quote from: overlook on May 19, 2011, 06:31:10 pmHELLO :>ERROR: "samp.exe" process not found.This happens when I join with Icon.. Game starts anyway but sometimes I time-out and I think it's due to this problem since it doesn't happen when I'm not using it! Any suggestions?that error isn't an important error so i don't think that's what's causing the timeouts. and i can't think of any reasons why your game would crash with the icon but not without.. i guess the only thing you can do is not use it
Updated for SA-MP 0.3d. Upgrading is not required but it will make it a bit faster.
Latest version: 02/11/11Lets you access AdrenalineX from an icon on your desktopMakes SA-MP use up to 32 cores (lol) instead of just 1. If you have a dual core or better PC and are using either Windows Vista or Windows 7 you should see a performance increase (and possibly even a ping decrease). - now removed as SA-MP 0.3d provides this functionality
Latest version: 02/11/11
Quote from: [MAF]mooman on September 21, 2009, 08:31:39 pmLatest version: 02/11/11?
ERROR: "samp.exe" process not found.This happens when I join with Icon.. Game starts anyway but sometimes I time-out and I think it's due to this problem since it doesn't happen when I'm not using it! Any suggestions?
@echo offecho Connecting to AdrenalineX Racing ...taskkill /im samp.exe >NULreg add "hkcu\Software\SAMP" /f /v PlayerName /t REG_SZ /d "YOUR_NAME_HERE"samp.exe play.adrenalinex.co.uk:7777
just bring back that program mooman and u see who is the best ..!!! Yo Yo