Author Topic: Suggestions (Clans, points...)  (Read 3032 times)

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Offline Smacka

Suggestions (Clans, points...)
« on: May 28, 2013, 12:33:24 pm »
Hey, what's up, I am StreetLightSmacka from the server, new there. I like it, but I have a few ideas that crossed my mind. At first I thought that maybe there could be leagues. Depending on points that You have, for example: 0-1000, 1000-5000, 5000-10000, 10000+. It could give more meaning to the points. Although this separation might not be that good idea.

 The other thing is the clans.  Anyone can come in and have a clan initials next to his name, but it would be dope if You could create clans as factions on RP server. You would have to apply on forums to create a clan, You would have to have a certain amount of points to create a clan, like 5000, and have at least 4 more people with You that are for example 3000 points+. You would get a color that none else could pick and that way be unique. After that You can invite people to Your clan to make it bigger and stronger. Even some crossings from one clan to another would be interesting :). That also gives meaning to scores, and people will try hard to ether join one or create their own.

 With clans, You could make clan wars. Once a day clans would pick 2 or 3 guys for a few races against the others. Maybe 3 races a day, 3 types, normal race, bike race and drag race for example. First week random admin could pick races. After the first week, the scores, independent from racers personal scores, would be added up and the clan with the most points on the table chooses the races for the next week. There would still be races like there are now, just an hour a day clans would go to clan war like You can go to /dm.

Maybe this idea can be worked out in a different way, for example You do not have to be online at the same time, maybe if You can't drive now You come online in 2 hours, type /clanwar and drive the races. They can be limited so You can't drive it 10 times. 3 races, each race one time. But the first idea could be more exciting and I think that it's not impossible since the server is most active in a certain time of the day each day. It doesn't even have to be every day.

Another thing is that the money is practically useless. Maybe there can be a part of the server, where You can free roam. Like /dm, You can buy cars there, pimp them etc. Then duel people with cars, for money, pick a race and go. Dueling but not like it is now, more head to head stuff. You can race for money, or the car. It could be interesting, I don't know. It's something that crossed my mind, maybe Yall will like it.

Before You say anything, don't think I want to change anything or something, I like it this way, it's just my point of view that people on the server are looking for more excitement.

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: Suggestions (Clans, points...)
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 11:08:28 pm »
1) like you said separation is not a good idea, and position sort by using last few finishes does the job of keeping noobs away from others way better than this would. If you mean league like a stat rank, then i suppose it could be so, but it would just be quite an useless label.

2) clan managing always was here, but it's the clan leaders that decide which rules and requirements to make (as long as those are right by general server rules, of course). you can see an example in or

3) clan wars would indeed be a fun thing, but with the way that this server is currently coded making another instance of multi-player race running in parallel is quite difficult and would complicate the gamemode a lot. so, as most of the clan wars are between clans based on different servers anyway we are the guests in the other servers, and it has worked out good enough.

4) money is indeed more useless than we would like it to be, but slowly measures are taken to make it worth something, for example the recent addition of wheel purchase, with some of them being quite pricey (there's more to that system, but that's not what matters here).

Offline Smacka

Re: Suggestions (Clans, points...)
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2013, 11:06:31 am »
Ok, I understand, and I was thinking some of the stuff would be a pain in the a** to code in from my experience on a rp server I played before.  As I said tho, I like the server the way it is. :) and if my suggestions help in any way, great... And I didn't know how clans work since I am new. :D