Marking the finale of the AdrenalineX Endurance League, we announce today's champion in Verence, who takes home the grand prize of €138 with a staggering winrate of 82%. Despite opening strongly, you were faced with adversity soon after. With a missed race and a penalty left to collect, the deficit felt daunting, yet you did not falter. Instead, you persisted and through a series of impeccable drives, secured the crown with one race to spare. Before we shower ourselves in the reverie of closure, I move the spotlight from our deserving champion to the ones that made all of this worth it — the community. Together we completed a grueling 35636 kilometers across a span of three months — the road has been long, and as we wrap things up, I would like to give a mention to the following people for their involvement in the league:
Thank you to Nos for his diligent efforts throughout the event, as well as his continued work on the server in recent years. Not only have you nailed the technical side of things, but you altruistically navigated the difficulties of the human condition when the rest of us struggled for solutions. You have shown yourself to be responsive, flexible and reasonable, and without you, there would be no league to speak of.
Thank you to JN for getting the groundwork laid and helping establish some of the key processes early on. You have been the one to set the league in motion and your receptiveness, as well as your inputs throughout it, have been pivotal in its success.
Thank you to Meso, Verence, JN, Honz, fonfon, nikki and Waldek for the time they have willingly invested into making each round a reality. The creative process is not one of linear nature, especially at the scale you were posed with. In spite of this, each of you surmounted the obstacles unique to your path and delivered, what was ultimately, the vital element of the league.
Thank you to elanista, Meso and Enfield for their generous donations. You stood to gain nothing from your charity, yet you selflessly enabled us to raise the stakes massively. While we can put a number on your financial contributions, your long-standing commitment to the community is invaluable.
Thank you to Rider for his promotional work, which has put this event on the map for some of our newer racers, as well as veterans from analogous communities. Even though your impact tends to go unnoticed, your intense devotion to this community can not be questioned, and we can only pride ourselves in having you with us.
Thank you to fonfon and tors for their recording of the event. An archive is a witness to the past, something that tells a story — the importance of which is not to be understated. You have made the league accessible in a way that could not be achieved otherwise.
And thank you to @everyone that showed up and played, without you it would all have been for nothing.
And lastly, a standing featuring the top ten players that through their efforts, have made themselves eligible for prizes — including the final prize pool of €308.42
1. Verence 5000 score | $5,000,000 | €138.79
2. McLareN 4500 score | $4,500,000 | €77.10
3. shell 4000 score | $4,000,000 | €46.26
4. Honz 3500 score | $3,500,000 | €30.84
5. Ignition 3000 score | $3,000,000 | €15.42
6. LENZER 2500 score | $2,500,000
7. TPABEPC 2000 score | $2,000,000
8. randomplayer 1500 score | $1,500,000
9. MWL3 1000 score | $1,000,000
10. SUCKARZ 500 score | $500,000
Final standings: footage: text written by our admin 2 lvl (c) shell