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Messages - Speedsteer

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Re: unbann my ip for can go to game
« on: January 03, 2010, 04:53:52 am »
lol, but i am new in this server, listen, my local ip is, is open but have bad ping with this, while with the movistar modem have the good ping, but the ips are blocked, is 10.17.XXX.XXX       X=Random

Unban Requests / Re: unbann my ip for can go to game
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:26:10 pm »
yeah i am from venezuela, but is the first time to enter in this server, now my ip change to

Unban Requests / Re: unbann my ip for can go to game
« on: December 28, 2009, 03:24:19 am »
thats no my ips, my ip always start in 10. .................

Unban Requests / unbann my ip for can go to game
« on: December 27, 2009, 10:50:15 pm »
Name: Speedsteer

hi i am new in this. hey pls unbann my movistar's modem ips, when i enter the server, cann't enter

You can help me???

hey man, hey I could unbann me pls?, snoopy told me it could come back to the server with me, but there was a misunderstanding because I did not know with USH and banned me, I actually go back to racing, thx.

hola amigo, oye podrian desbanearme por favor?, snoopy me dijo que podria volver al server porque me disculpe con el, pero hubo un mal entendido con USH porque no sabia y me baneo, en realidad quiero volver a las carreras, gracias.

sorry for the problems, but all members STR insult me

En Español
Carterr ya acepta que nosotros los STR no usábamos ni usamos modificaciones de autos para terminar con este problema y volver a jugar en paz como antes
cuando yo dije que ellos usaban modificaciones de autos era cierto pero no los usan cuando entran a jugar con samp porque tienen otra copia modificada al gusto de ellos aparte de la original que es la que usan para entrar a jugar con esos mods
Asi que si te insultamos tanto pues perdónanos y yo se que aceptamos tus disculpas por si acaso

In English
Carterr and agree that we did not use the STR changes or use a car to stop this problem and return to play in peace as before
when I said that they used was a modification of cars but not use them when they come to play samp with another copy because they have changed the taste of them apart from the original which is used to enter and play with these mods
So if you are both insulting and I will forgive because we accept your apology in case

Ray es verdad lo que dice nacho, nosotros usamos eso nada mas en el GTA normal, el de hacer misiones, pero en internet nunca tenemos eso, y en verdad te pido disculpa, y ademas yo soy amigo tuyo, porque no sabia que eras ese [ESP]Ronney_By, tu eres un gran piloto, pero no vuelvas a insultar por dios.

Ray's true what they say nacho, we use nothing more normal in GTA, the missions to do but never have that on the internet, and indeed I ask apology, and also I am a friend of yours, because they knew that you were [ESP] Ronney_By, you're a great pilot, but again not insult God.

fuck um, im only letting nacho back!

knifer is a hacker, and maikel planned the whole thing.

andy, i never planned this, ok?, i alone back to the server and protect the cheaters, man now you never truths me, and one more, I apologize to Ray, because I never realized that it was the veteran Rooney, sorry friend, and you andy

man, look the pictures, i am racer legal and alex too, later alex to place and more pictures

normal record

i never use the mod

bad maikel dont have accout on forum  :-\

hi, so sry, The thing is, like most did not use the forum, I did not connect, but if I mind, sorry, i have account here

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