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Messages - lol69

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General Server Discussion / Re: Hollywood Casino 400 (Sign up)
« on: October 02, 2011, 06:30:16 pm »

finally a longer track

General Server Discussion / Re: The MILLIONTH vehicle.
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:12:59 pm »

General Server Discussion / Re: The MILLIONTH vehicle.
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:55:58 pm »
Hotring A

General Server Discussion / Re: Black List
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:15:31 pm »
I know temp banning innocent people is a silly idea.
This should never be used...

Well, I have another idea. Instead loading server cleaner, or drags in a row, load some nascar map (one of previous ones) and at the time of racing kick/tempban all misbehaving players.
Noobs will be confused and will think nascar already started earlier; some of them may even leave eventually (?). But this will require some effort from admnins. Let's say load it 3:40 uk time, run for 15 minutes, kick everyone who deserves it, and then load drags and then load actual map.

What do you think of that?

General Server Discussion / Re: Black List
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:56:59 pm »
Guys... we really need to do something about it.
MadMax's ideas did fail a little bit today.

Firstly, we need at least one admin to moderate the race. Situation like today shows that clearly.
Phobos had to stop every 100 yards to ban someone... Racing like that was impossible for him.

Secondly, I postulate to clean the server from all the noobs BEFORE, not during the race.
I.e. temp ban all the 0 score players, and all the [GUEST]s. Kicking is ineffective as they come back and keep spoiling again. If there will be anyone, who really wants to race on AX, they will come back later.
It's not a coincidence that there are that many players with 0 score in Sunday afternoons.
I guess I am not the only one who is pissed with people who join only to drive backwards etc.

I know I am not the one who should make decisions like that, but either:
  • we keep server open and experience the mess every time
  • let only signed up people race, and manually kick, tempban, send to /afk all the rest
  • at least give it a try to lock a server??
I don't want you to say that I have no right to say things like that because I am no one... I know that. But what else can I (or we) think up?

One thing is for sure and I'll say it again: if any changes will be made before next season, all MadMax's and Skunk's efforts will be destroyed by anger, frustration, quarrels and so on.

Good night

General Server Discussion / Re: Fair players
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:21:06 pm »
Jarno, when you ram me you don't have to stop and write 'sorry' as I know you do it unintentionally.
The same rule applies to all the regulars.

Instead you can honk twice...

General Server Discussion / Re: AAA 400 (Sign up)
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:15:53 pm »

General Server Discussion / Re: Sylvania 300 (Sign up)
« on: September 23, 2011, 07:16:56 pm »
don't expect anything so you won't feel let down on Sunday  :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Sylvania 300 (Sign up)
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:41:32 pm »
I would also love the idea of racing in sterile conditions but it only can be put into the bin.
Or maybe not?

these people will not feel a need that they have to leave themselves...
I have another idea... You admins can ban/tempban/kick all noobs manually and then start the race.

Cromiell did that few times before some races, as well as he did moderate during the race.
In one of the races (cba to find which one), he and Phobos did great job moderating.
If the server can't be locked, then why not give it a try. But instead of admins racing server cleaner, tempban whoever needs to be banned.
Btw Nikki is doing good job, but I have to say that isn't as good as old Zak.
No offence though.

General Server Discussion / Re: Fair players
« on: September 18, 2011, 07:44:32 pm »

as I guess I didn't ram him during today's race.

I messed up Cromiell's driving this time though.

General Server Discussion / Re: Sylvania 300 (Sign up)
« on: September 18, 2011, 07:40:57 pm »

loading drags will not do I'm afraid.
noobs ain't neither scared of Server cleaner  :-\

People with score less than 100 and all [Guests] - 'out'
Don't let the newcomers /race??? {silly idea  :o}
Maybe the idea of locking the server will be forced. Otherwise, as said b4, there's no point in signing up.

Anyway, if any changes will be made in next season... aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh

General Server Discussion / Re: Geico 400 (Sign up)
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:25:35 am »

Hope there will be less lagramming like last time.

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