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Messages - [FSR]Ali

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Off-Topic / Re: Post results...
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:13:15 pm »
lmao i'll look so dump doing this xD

 ىلالاى لارؤلاىونلارؤ

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:21:06 pm »
then you shut up and do what you are here to do which is Playing, and not making drama !

I don't play anymore lol. Just stay out of this MAF thread if you have nothing nice to say about us and then you won't get a response.

And you actually started this drama :)

so you always rage on younger kids in video gaming ? give your self a brake dude, you make yourself sound soo immature .... give yourself a brake andy and think twice before you bully younger weaker players

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:50:43 pm »

just like you said [/quote]
And I didn't even like you
[/quote] then dont get yourself in my beef with elmo and phobos, just stay away from my "negativity" so i don't ruin your mood, everybody else is cool with me except you and few others, so if i actually diss YOU and call YOU A dick sucking punk ass sick fucked missed up child then you have every right to reply to me and flame me back and even report me to the server leaders for abusing / bullieng you, but as lnog as i didn't say anything to you then you shut up and do what you are here to do which is Playing, and not making drama !

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:11:21 pm »
Speed Freaks X

SFX Is back and were welling to be one of the Proest Clans in the Adrenaline X History


[SFX]Royal - Leader
[SFX]Rossanero - Member
[SFX]Hulka - Member


i wanna fuckin puke xD


i didn't take it personal or anything because i know that i'm mature enough to avoid problems .... 

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:26:45 pm »
i exposed a thought that came up in my mind, you dont have any right to disrespect me, if i said Snoopy sucks dick then you have the right to run your mouth on me ,,,, seems like you dont know anything about the social life, where do you live on mars?! get your self a doctor to check you out, you got some issues man -_-

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself !
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:19:56 pm »
Me and friends went to a theme park:

I am the 2nd guy on the left, counting from top to bottom.

That asian guy behind you is soooo into the situation, he's thinking daffuq he get himself into lmao

Off-Topic / Re: I'm moving home.
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:15:06 pm »
Cyaa soon

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:13:44 pm »
Then don't create stupid bullshit and people won't get annoyed by you

Also stop twisting everything and making out to be the good guy, you should have never been unbanned in the first place. Mr I got banned for retarded shit in the first place and evaded 300 times and I am so proud of it HA HA HA!

i just exposed the way that i see you (which is just like everybody else)

My point exactly. Your typical bullshit trying to get everybody on your side lol

look, i will be myself, i'll say whatever i want, i will do whatever i want, as long as it doesn't have anything to do with you then you shut up and play, dont create any drama and cause stress in the air ... you refuse to accept me as who i am, then shut up and dont get involved in my rights to play in here, as long as i dont harm you then don't even think about criticizing me.

you dont accept my "typical bullshit" then dont talk to me just /Ignore [My ID] and give yourself a break. in other words LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ! and dont reply to my comments in other topics .... omg your soo negative god damn it.

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF looking for a clanwar
« on: September 01, 2012, 03:26:29 pm »
I was never the friendliest person around here and I was never a role model either.
I'm fine with everyone until they make a problem with me

i didn't call you the friendliest and i didn't call you a role model either, i just exposed the way that i see you (which is just like everybody else), see just grow up andy and dont get yourself into pointless childish bullshit that will get you nothing but headache .... 

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF in a clanwar vs who?
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:09:31 am »

look, i'm not trying to judge you or make you look like a bad guy, i just exposed how i feel and how i react toward all this negative energy that you and some other few members of this community provide ... and like i said the only reason that i'm mad at you is because i used to look at you as one of the friendliest cool leaders of adrenaline x, but all of the sudden you jump off with phonos and ebicnoob and start beefing for childish dump reasons ... that's how i see you. i do respect admins, i do treat them like they should of been treated so i dont get in trouble is that called ass licking? if it is then EVERYBODY! i mean every single player in this community is a dick sucker. your claiming that every admin who sees me as a victim and i shouldn't be bullied by 24/26 whatever year olds for dump reasons. look ush and others took my side in this issue because from there mature grown up perspective they think that what you and the other 2 immature guys are doing is wrong ... look i'm a man and i take responsibility for my actions, i talked shit to elmo and i got my ass banned for it ... if you feel offended report me to the server leaders and if it turned that i'm wrong i would apologize to you ... dont take it personal you're the one who brought all this bullshit to yourself, i never did anything negative or mean toward you, you're the one interfered in my beef with phobos and got yourself in this bullshit. look, if i was ever wrong toward any member in this community i would truely apologize do you call that sucking dick? you have this negative image toward me for no reasonable reason, my problem is not with you andy its with the ones who try get me out of this community sicne i got my 2 year unban.... i suggest you improve your perspective toward me and look at me as a video gaming partner instead of an enemy because i'm not a mean person when you get to know me better ...

AdrenalineX Development / Re: Disscusion about new /F
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:56:35 pm »

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF in a clanwar vs who?
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:39:41 pm »
He gets treated as he deserves.

i hope that god and mooman forgive me for what i'm going to say but i think that you 2 have been treated like shit for your whole life so you forgot what is respect and what's treating people with kindness, that's why you call mutual respect, "ass kissing", i really dont give a fuck about how mean is phobos toward me because i'm here for the joy of the game and server and the nice social atmosphere that the guys provide and not to beef with you phobos, i mean you're like what? 25 years old and beefing with a 17 year old teenager? like seriously the only reason that i dont reply to you is because i feel sorry for you ... but still even though you, andy and epicnoob are mean toward me i still got respect to you guys because i think that i'm mature enough to ignore your mean meaningless barking and just .. race and enjoy my time ... i dont think its funny or impressive anymore to make fun of me because every time i get dissed or humiliated something wrong happens so i learned my lesson to remain silent and just enjoy racing ... i totally understand why phobos and lilrunty hate on me and i dont really care about them, but @andy, i always looked at you as the great legend who used to break records with infernus back in the day before i get my 2 year ban and now you're just a guy with immature thoughts whom i feel sorry for just like phobos and lilrunty ... this internet sa-mp racing adrenaline x community was always friendly and good toward me, i appreciate every single person who treats me with respect (in that case all the adrenaline x members except phobos) and that's the reason why i'm still here for 3 years ..... so yeah i hope you guys just look at me as a internet gaming partner instead of a guy that you like to express all the hate and abuse that you have been through your life toward .... and i guess that's pretty much it i hope i didn't disrespect anyone but hey this is reality and neither you like it or not you should except it, Peace.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself !
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:16:15 pm »

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF in a clanwar vs who?
« on: August 27, 2012, 06:01:19 pm »
AFTER THIS MATCH i feel so much satisfied about SFX VS AK47 match. its great to know that there's somebody who sucks more than you :L

Our organizing sucks, we don't suck as a team.

And nobody would come to see your clan race :L :L :L

lol Nikki came xD Goodluck bringing him to YOUR matches haha

General Server Discussion / Re: MAF in a clanwar vs who?
« on: August 26, 2012, 08:01:57 pm »
AFTER THIS MATCH i feel so much satisfied about SFX VS AK47 match. its great to know that there's somebody who sucks more than you :L

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