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Messages - [NWA]Ali_G

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Thank god for that,i really don't know we'll come back playing but thanks for being fair anyway.

And by not being "straight" do you mean that he's hacking?Even if he had any mod's i assure you he didn't use them for a bad cause.

I already talked to him about that today and YES mate he is most likely IS banned,we were having a conversation today and i even have it recorded,take a look:

@Ali_G4 wish i could help bu tim still banned :S

@WSD93 What the fuck?!?!?What in the hell they banned you on forum's for?!?

@Ali_G4 i kinda registered on the server -_-

@WSD93 Mmm you mean on that same server again?And how?Changed your IP?

@Ali_G4 no, i registered before i waas banned

@Ali_G4 dunno "S

@Ali_G4 it wont let me post in the forums

@Ali_G4 even with another acc im banned :S

There you go,this conversation went on twitter,if you still don't belive me i can provide you a link to my twitter page,that's all. -_-

Quote from: falky
I'd also appreciate it if you edited your first post to something more friendly lol

I really can't care any more less about it,i think what i said completely was coming to the people who were ignorant about the whole thing,still not you ofcourse but anyway do what you want with it,you can even delete the whole topic or remove the first post or whateva.

Well here's the problem,he could reply by himself but he said someone banned him on the forum also,can i know what for??Or is it because there was no reply button in the unban request topic when i logged in with my account and i just made post's with his user clearly stating that it was me?
And if there is some itchy finger admin who's about to lock the topic don't do it because the only reason im still replying back is because people keep replying on my topic,making a statement and then taking away my freedom to respond and explain myself is just a pathetic way to get out of argument,thank you.

Okay,ill quote WSD now from his unban request topic

Quote from: [NWA]WSD
Yes, I have.
I have successfully overclocked my Pentium 4 2.8 GHz to 3.1 Ghz.

Now i dont know if you consider that a dinosaur comp or not but since you do akhnowledge the fact that it might be cause of mod's im ok with that.

No,i don't think you understand what i was talking about,not mods and not hacks,i was talking about overclocking which is a technique to get your PC to it's maximum performance but if you say it could be because of mod's ok then,it was actually nice to talk with someone who cares for a change,see ya.

- That race is meant to measure PC performance and ping, and it's zero percent competition.

Okay,so in simple words you say it couldn't have nothing to do with him overclocking his PC or do you admit that it is possible?

And that fucking lesson IS?!?

What solid proof do you actually got that it's so hard for you to belive he didn't hack in the first place and i assure you i wouldn't come back on the server even if my friend got unbanned,im just doing all this to teach you not to treat people like that.

Did you ever consider he's not hacking since i played with him like over a year plus you never actually seen him hack PLUS the only argument you got about him hacking is that laughable 200ms difference between him and the 2nd place!?!?!????????And im not even saying anything about the only sane people here who said his overclocking explains everything but yet everyone else ignored them somehow right.And my judgement isn't clouded because he's my friend,YOUR the ones with clouded judgment here for the same reason he's not your friend and you don't even know him and for some reason you can't just take neither my word for it and neither is Adam's,yea i doubt if the thought you could be wrong even crossed your mind if all the 10 members of our clan would testify,i know who i can trust and who not so don't tell me about taking things in consideration mate.

And what is with the Ali G avatar?I hope you know who Ali G is and not actually think it's me on the picture and are you trying to make fun out of THAT?Your server leader's avatar is a dog out of children's cartoon for god's sake,grow up.

No problem,we'll find some other server. :-*

Man that's a lame approach,why don't you just ban the players you actually saw using hacks?

Some admins said he didn't cheat cause of hacks so you'll just ban a lot of innocent players like that.

*Sight* i was just bored ^^

I love you admins!If i could i would hug you and hug you and hug you and hug you so hard until............hope that's friendly enough ^^

AdrenalineX Development / Re: you need to fix your forum...
« on: May 21, 2010, 04:08:18 pm »
Owned  :)

You wish. ^^

we have flaws with how we ban cheaters.

lol if banning ppl right away without checking them out is what u call it.. ^^

good bye server of ignorant people.

AdrenalineX Development / you need to fix your forum...
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:22:29 pm »
Hi,im replying to those ignorant guys:

Quote from: [mooman
lol if you're gonna try and make a believable sockpuppet at least take the effort to make a new account for it!

I do have an account,so is my friend Adam,we tried to reply but the thing is that there when we go to WSD's topic with our users,the reply button just doesn't show up there and there isnt even a quote button,anyway i liked this server but the admins are paranoid and ignorant and i dont want to play on server where i can be banned for nothing so me and my clan is leaving,bb. ^^

Quote from: [falky
WSD's personal secretary, did you even read my previous post you ignorant tit?

Yes i did,word by word..and if u want to improve maybe u shouldn't ban ppl for hacks u never saw them using.

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