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Off-Topic / Re: Windows won't start...
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:27:17 pm »
Ok so here, on the bottom right, it goes to my main HDD, top right to the seagate.

On the last image, bottom left, it's one of those yellow-black-black-red wires that was detached, a black one, I put it inside the plastic stuff.

Off-Topic / Windows won't start...
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:09:59 pm »
Hey, so on my PC I've got some problem, and I was wondering if I could get some help here even though it might need to see in the pc to fix that.

So I've often had a problem with my 2nd HDD, a 500GB seagate, sometimes it wasn't detected, it first stopped completely working and I sent it to the guarantee like 2 years ago I don't remember when exactly, but the guarantee is for sure over now. I usually cleaned the dust when it wasn't detected (with full precautions, switch off the electricity etc) and 3/4 of the times it worked, 1/4 I tried again. Anyway my main HDD always worked.

Now I got it again today, and I noticed a cable was detached while the 3 "brother" cables were attached to the same plastic stuff. It might need some pictures...

But now, when I start my pc, even though it seems like the HDD is detected on the first page, it asks me if I want to start windows normally, to start it with the last successful settings, or that other mode I don't know how to translate in English (no fail mode?) when selecting any of those, the pc just restarts...

Anybody would know what the problem could be, how to solve it? And if you want some pics of the pc (inside) no problem I can upload some... it's quite a mess :L some cables aren't connected anywhere but apparently those were normal, it's always worked like that anyway. I've already shown it irl to a friend but he doesn't know lol he also thinks it might be some cable between the HDDs that's fucked and so windows can't be loaded, even though the main HDD had never had any problem.

Media / Re: Screenshots
« on: August 10, 2011, 09:41:22 pm »
I guess you need to have gta IV installed on your pc to run this. I've got it (DL version) but my pc barely runs it so :/

Off-Topic / Re: Fifa online 2
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:49:55 pm »
SP goal a few days ago:

And goal vs scorp & phil from the middle circle:

And scorp's rage against his teammate :L

BTW, if you use the screenshot key on your keyboard, it'll save them to a folder. At least it does for me.

AdrenalineX Development / Re: Complaints
« on: August 09, 2011, 08:31:28 pm »
Just remove combat shotgun and deagle is better than limited ammo imo.

Off-Topic / Re: !!! YOUR TXD'S !!!
« on: August 08, 2011, 11:15:58 pm »
imo it's fine if you want to participate in the forum but are banned from the server (as long as you don't evade). Seems weird, but fine.

And nice pj.

Off-Topic / Re: Your moobilephone
« on: August 08, 2011, 08:11:57 pm »
Samsung are just good looking, but the phones actually suck, and aren't good for a long term usage.

General Server Discussion / Re: Tourney 3 - ROUND 12
« on: August 08, 2011, 07:55:55 pm »
The one in the desert I landed behind the signboard lol, the one in Paris I did it fine but it was in the air so I think some may miss it, and have to get back on their own to do it again.

General Server Discussion / Re: Tourney 3 - ROUND 12
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:38:33 pm »
The one in Paris.

General Server Discussion / Re: Tourney 3 - ROUND 12
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:01:55 pm »
woop finished my round

and lol at Knutico

Ban. You can't ask somebody else to race for you.

It would have been good to tell before indeed. But the race was great, goes through every city even maps, the only bad CP I've seen was in a jump.
I don't care if there's another 12th round or not, but this race was really great I started to get bored once but it quickly got better. It's stupid to moan about that, nobody forces anyone to participate as it's been already said.

Unban Requests / Re: blackfalcon25 unban request
« on: August 08, 2011, 05:46:11 pm »
The tempbans aren't shown once the time is over, even if there have been 950 permbans in the meanwhile.

Off-Topic / Re: Fifa online 2
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:22:56 pm »
YEAAAAAAAAH MISSION ACCOMPLISHED I WON IN 2V2 PLAYING WITH MOURAD ! seemed like an impossible mission but I did it.
edit: twice

Unban Requests / Re: blackfalcon25 unban request
« on: August 06, 2011, 02:32:29 pm »
Hi, I don't know why you were banned in the first place, I think it's just a stereotype created against people from your country, it's really bullshit, but there are lots of ignorant people here  :(

It's all explained in a topic in details so instead of saying bullshit try to get informed. You're the ignorant guy here.

Oh and if he had made a proper unban request you could have searched in the bans list. But he changes his ip all the time anyway.

Off-Topic / Re: Happy bday Gen
« on: August 05, 2011, 05:04:50 pm »
Happy birthday soviet!

Off-Topic / Re: My Speedtest...And What Is Yours?
« on: August 04, 2011, 10:22:13 pm »
I think most internet hosts in France put a limit to the upload, my adsl is limited to less than 100 KB/s, with a different host.

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