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Messages - Rossi

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [PERMABANNED]
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:31:21 pm »
I'm not bullshitting anything, that's an honest fact. If i really did hack i wouldnt come onto the forums and lie to the face of what... 5 admins ith lies. yeah some noob foreginers might but i dont. To be honest i dont care if im unbanned now or not, even if I was i wouldnt play here anymore. I've just seen what you're all really like, two faced cunts who cant take a beating, and accuse me of cheating for beating a top score.


Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [PERMABANNED]
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:25:45 pm »
Yeah sure, because a few split seconds is visible to the human eye even though we can only react to a stimulus that's over a half a second minimum. Stop bullshitting... seriously.

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [PERMABANNED]
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:20:47 pm »
its not hard to use tiny bits of speedhack ;_;

Alright you explain to us all how you speedhack by a few split seconds, since you obviously know how. Did in the past huh?

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [PERMABANNED]
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:18:03 pm »
Since you all know everything about racing and split seconds then, saying it's impossible, tell me how the fuck I magaged to speedhack and only win by a few split seconds. From my time on SA-MP, whenever you see a speedhacker they go over like 1000 km/h.

Absolute bullshit, seriously and what the hell? Crack the game? I don't know how to put a simple cmd together, nevermind hack a game to SPECIFICALLY win by a few split seconds ...

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:23:58 pm »
also 190fps? impossible, the fact that you lie about that shows to me that your not a truthful person!

I'll benchmark it when I'm there on the weekend.

and you and your faggy mate do it in one try? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Yeah, "faggy", we're not cool because we don't know shitloads about PCs or we arent as experienced as you almighty racers, oh no, not at all..

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:58:50 pm »
typical cheater explanation. Man look on other times, and on your time. ITS IMPOSSIBLE! (64mb rofl, who u think we are ? idiots ?

No see this is the big problem is this thread. You think I'm one of those foreigners who come along with some public hacks and airbrake all over the place, then come running to the forums "i not cheattt!111!!11" but, no, I'm not and I'm DEADLY serious. I have never in my life been accused of cheating and I'm not a retard, so I'd appreciate if you'd stop trying to make me out to be on.

I don't know how I got that time, I was in a world in my own somehow, that could've gave me an advantage. All I did was press and hold W and kept it like that until the countdown. I ping really good to the server too, < 80.

And about the 64mb thing, so what? Like I said it runs smooth for me with my settings + the low memory SAMP.saa and cutting my anti virus and explorer processes.

So your telling us that two reasonably unknown people like your self and your other GR clan mate can come on to the server can beat that track easily on their first try and beat the top 2 records made by well known players of the server easily with such a difference in the records? You and goosebub both got .200 + difference both on your first try

I've been racing on SA-MP since 2007 like I said, I've used 1 or 2 names before on AdrenalineX too, just yesterday I used Madra[IE] and some months before Christmas I used Repsol for a day or two. Goosebub has been playing sa-mp since the very first release of the first client and vc-mp before that, I don't know what's he capable of. I can't hold his hand all the time so i dont know what the hell he was doing even though he was blantly ramming people.

Look if I got a time of 00:12.00 then well that would be something, but by a few SPLIT seconds? what the hell?

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:50:09 pm »
Yeah I am sure. My other pc (at my fathers house) is running a 3.4 ghz overclocked quad core and an ATI 4870... I can manage 190 FPS in some areas. I see no dofference between this and the other

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:46:41 pm »
What on earth are you talking about, only 30+ FPS is needed to run gta sa smooth as a breeze, there is no difference in gameplay between around 30-40FPS and 100 FPS in an area that has not many objects like the airport.

If anything it's down to ping to see how fast you respond to the server when you hit the last CP, because it's so close with the split seconds.

coco jambo.

and imo u are just cheater who wanted to be in top5 by using speedhack and finish nearly top times but somethin fucked up and u have problem now

stop trying to ridicule me.. you don't know who I am. I came to race and you think I'd hack in front of what... 3-5 admins? what the hell do you take me for..

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:41:37 pm »
Why don't you stop bulshitting seriously.. I SERIOUSLY doubt a speedhack would only beat a record by a split second margain. I've been a good member of SA-MP for 2 years and i've no clue on this scripting-hacking mumbo jumbo. I don't take you for a fool... why the hell would i ridicule someone who decides if he wants to ban me or not.. I think you think I'm a fool if anything

This is depressing, seriously the first time i've ever been called a hacker or been banned from a server on sa-mp.

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:34:06 pm »
You're saying a gfx limits my play? What the hell are you smoking. I ping to the server good, an average of 80 and anyway, I've been racing on SA-MP since June 2007. I use the low memory SA-MP.saa and I cut every process I don't need (such as explorer.exe) when I enter the game... besides I'm using a dual core, I get over 40 FPS.

And what's wrong with that time...? I get the second highest by over a tenth of a split second lol?

Unban Requests / Re: [GR]Rossi [ [LSD]Snoopy ]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:29:44 pm »
Maybe mistake...

I don't think it was... I was asked what gfx card did I use.. I said I use a 64mb one (which I do; a Radeon 9100) and after everyone's reaction I was banned.

Unban Requests / [GR]Rossi [PERMABANNED]
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:24:20 pm »
Admin: [LSD]Snoopy
Reason: "Hax"

What the hell is that about? I'm just racing as I always do and I'm banned? I don't know if this is revenge for ramming you (or at least I think I rammed you, it might be another [LSD] member) but that's uncalled for. I don't even know how to hack... seriously..

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