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Topics - RuBenXitoH

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / OSR vs FSR - Racewar request
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:29:27 pm »
Hey FSR, we planned a racewar against you, read the following facts to know about.


Date/Time: 09.06.2013 - 5pm/17:00h gmt+2

Player min.: 4 vs 4
Server: (FOX Racewar Script by RSD Vogue)
Password: burningtires
Tracks: 15 Tracks built by ChargeR_[GT]

Cars: Random (turismo, infernus, banshee, cheetah, mr.whoopie, bullet...)
World: Clans are in own world
Pointsystem: 1st got 10pts, 2nd 9pts...
Pinglimit: 500
Admins: [RSD]Vogue
Spectators: Allowed
Commands: After join the server, a interactive tutorial starts, for commands, cmds for last cp or repair, tune..

Credits: Thanks to [RSD]Vogue

Hope you accept it,
Greets, OSR Team.

Unban Requests / Second Chance. [UNBANNED]
« on: August 29, 2012, 11:35:18 pm »
Nick: rubenxitoh_[GT] and [MWR]RuBenXitoH

IP: 83.213 - That's my range actually.

Admin who banned me: [2F2F]Merc

Reason: Evading

Why you should unban me: Well, 1 year ago i got banned. Because i still was a kid and i said this shitty words in spanish (which i won't say anymore) : ''Vaya mierda de server''
And then i got banned, i don't remember what was the admin who banned me for the first time. But then, i evaded the ban, and Merc banned me. So now i grew up and im here in adrenalinex to ask my unban if it's possible. My ban was in 2011, don't remember the date.

Thank you for reading. Best regards.

Unban Requests / PCLoverBoy Unban Request. [BANNED]
« on: November 12, 2011, 05:11:18 pm »
Name in game : PCLoverBoy
Admin who banned you : Nikki.
Reason given by the admin for your banning : [MWR]RuBenXitoH
Track : Idk.
Reason(s) why we should unban you : Banned again i was playing today and suddenly Nikki banned me.Yes im RuBenXitoH but i changed my account so im not evading Let me to play in da server please.And stop baning me I didnt cheat i want to play here only.

Thanks Again.

Unban Requests / [MWR]RuBenXitoH
« on: October 28, 2011, 01:38:24 pm »
Admin who banned me: [2F2F]Merc
Reason: Evade
Why you should unbann me: I joined normally server 2 days ago and then admin Merc banned me for evade.I didnt have banned never so is not possible evade please help me i love this server i want to play.If i did some wrong excuse me.

Best Regards.

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