General > General Server Discussion

Financial information

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fastcake let me buy you a place @ LSR

I am not sure why all of you quote,laugh and troll this topic. Summer camp, fake fun ,mixer ... at least i came here with an idea to help AdrenalineX community and mooman and what are you doing ???

mooman clearly need ours support and  i am not in position to give him cash but i want help at least i try but you ....

Seriously grow up and shame on you

And double post on purpose for loudest hater of my idea(Ush)

just to make you sure this --- >   cost some cash you should know that already

fastcake    this --->   is part of adrenalineX domain too and guess what, if you aren't sure take look to first post where is attached price of website.

I know mooman never asked for even penny but that not gives you opportunity to act on way what you started.

So both of you ungrateful trolls should be silent, and very last who should blame my work and idea .

And I will quit the discussion here, because I don't want to hijack a topic about the future of Ax. Something my dear friend Jalicno clearly is doing for the purpose of the existence of his beloved clan LSR. Shame on... you, Jalicno. Not on me, nor Fastcake.

You either have the skill or you don't have the skill. You can't buy skill.


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