I thought that once someone is a brakeruller, you need some solid proof, but I didn't know that here, you can actually just name the person with the problem. However this time, I recorded this rule-braker.
BoskyJohny = rammer/intentional
Normaly, in the early hours there are at least one or two admins online and close to 10 players joined, but there are days when nobody is online on the server in those early hours, I join-in just for the lonely fun. This happend today, BoskyJohny & me were the only online from more than 2 hours. At first, everything seemed to be okay once he joined (plently of races being played fair), therefore I let go of thinking that he would ram me at the grid-start since there were no admin online ( like always everyone pulls that kind of move ). After one hour passed in which most of the time I end it up 1st he began to ram me and he did on "every" race that went by, just to pass me and get into 1st. He never blocked me, but he always ram me once I was too close to him, even so there were times when he would crash into something and I still finish it the 1st. I had my patience with him for more than over an hour. At some point I said something to him and it didn't change anything, he said something in Poland, and then never wrote, continuing to ram into me. I went TV and installed FRAPS because it was getting to much out of hand, however when I came back to record him, he was gone ( I belive that once Painkiller joined, he ran away and enter back exactly after Painkiller quiedt and started again to ram into me). This night, I notice that he was on the server so I took a faith to see if he would really continue and I waited until the server spawned him with me in the group and at the grid. Guess what happens while 16 players were online with mooman active.
I uploaded this video and it can be downloaded (300) or watched. Don't mind the fps, it was cap at 30fps by the FRAPS settings. I forgot to set them properly.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3eWJ8pvSy2PXzZVQXZCRDlnb00/viewPlease, someone do something about this guy, I join to play, but if this guy takes this personal, is the last thing I need.
I also notice that sometimes if he is too bothered by the fact that others take the lead or close to the top5, he rams the person, so it isn't just about me. I don't remember when exactly, but it sure did happend yesterday.
I don't know how he end it up with 4000 points (EDIT: without being warned/temp banned? at least, only if none notice him doing this to other players when such stuff took place)