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I P.I.T. 'd lol69 two or three times though... sry 'bout that.
all the guys who looked at track,Odala for letting faster guys pass same for Joker and superrammer
GENskunkcromielvertigosnoopyodalaturbofreakmadmaxthanks to: phobos, pod, cromiel and chinahaxor for banning the cheaters and blockers, appreciate it.
Snoopy (I still regret what happend on Daytona )
thanks to phobos, mosca, cysio and dodger for banning people.
Fair players all pros in AX with a career and thx all admins for the Job! good congrats Madmax and Skunk for the track!
Jet_Black - even though I was in the lead, he didn't overtake me any time I crashed. And it did happen twice.Thanks once again.
I'm not participating anymore in the NASCAR event, but I still remember some of the rammers/blockers. One of them was/is Jet_Black. AdrenalineX's biggest asshole ever. He kept constantly ramming/blocking me. I got enough of it and got bored of NASCAR because my race got fucked up all the time.
+1 glad i'm not the only one who can see that
finally, im not the only who's thinking that
dont ruin my reputation!!! i`m an asshole!!!
and for sur thx to all the admins who were speccin the guys that were blocking or anything else on track
There were only two. And they both are [MAF].
I just wanted to state the obvious fact that Cromiell and Phobos did moderate.So that's kinda surprise to me.
but if I was you I'd prefer to make it less rammy. It's hard to not ram on such a race but doing such a thing isn't too good in my opinion but it's just me...[/font]
and a few others but can't remember, when I let them pass they gave me a horn, same as if I passed them
Quote from: [aXs]lilrunty on September 18, 2011, 04:29:02 pmand a few others but can't remember, when I let them pass they gave me a horn, same as if I passed themMe. Lol.Fair:MadMaxPhobosTurboFreak
I am still impressed by you Tommy, you drive in the most fair way, you get rammed by noobs and did not give it up... +1Btw is it an obliged way [FAP] members must drive Phobos,Jarnoand others... as usual