Author Topic: Effects of mods/hacks  (Read 12483 times)

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Offline [MAF]falky

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Effects of mods/hacks
« on: May 26, 2010, 12:04:46 am »
We have a race called "double" and "doubleyou", and here's the reason why we're so paranoid about it.

- The race he won in is called "double"
   - The word "double" comes from the only key you have to press to finish the race, which is the 'w' key.
- That race is meant to measure PC performance and ping, and it's zero percent competition.
   - Much like a dyno in real life:
   - All you have to do is press 'w' til' you cross the finish line and your time will tell you how fast your PC/ping is compared to the others.

^ That screenshot is NOT the race results, it's the records for the race (hence when you go to a real life race-track, the track will have track records you can try to beat).

All you have to do is press 'w' til' you cross the finish line and your time will tell you how fast your PC/ping is compared to the others.

- Those records are more like benchmarks rather than track times, with mooman having the fastest PC and ping combination.
   - He runs a quad-SLI setup consisting of 2 GTX 295 cards and a quad core overclocked to 3.4GHz.
   - He has a 50mbps internet connection.
   - The server is just next door to his house.

Now, we've been running the race for a good year or so now, and no matter how much we buy hardware/overclock the shit out of our comps/turn off every process in our system/turn down graphic settings when doing that race, we cannot seem to get over the 7 second mark.

The only ways you could possibly go over the 7 second mark at the moment are:
- Have a better PC than mooman (not so likely unless you're one of these guys:
- Live closer to the server than mooman (not so likely since he's already the closest thing on earth to our damn server)
- Use hacks
- Install car mods (and yes, even if you don't edit the handling.cfg file, wheel dummies on the car model affects handling. Try putting the handling line of a Turismo to that of the mower, and you'll know what I'm talking about.)

^ in that case, [NWA]WSD has some sort of surface mod (probably to make handling more realistic) but he didn't realise that it affected his performance on a straight line.

I do hope you've put enough effort into reading all of that.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 01:55:55 am by [MAF]falky »