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Messages - wat

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Unban Requests / wat [UNBANNED]
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:33:20 am »
bootsyou or something like that
during a race this person who banned me was up my ass at the start of the race and after i went through a couple turns he got lag hit... after the race he jailed me for "ramming"
then later during a second race the exact same thing happened and he decided to ban me for 2 hours
i changed my ip and came back briefly with the name fruit_salad to ask why he banned me when i  obviously hadnt been ramming anyone on purpose (anyone whos familiar with me knows i dont pull that kind of shit)
i was quickly banned again because i was evading although i didnt spawn to play so i waited my 2 hours and came back with my usual name, wat
i was then banned again for ban evading
i wasn't ban evading
thanks bye

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