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Messages - Plato

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Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: January 01, 2014, 01:27:01 am »
Hey guys,

does anyone have $ 152,000 ? If yes, you can buy this UHD-TV,0,1017210.story#axzz2p2F2Q9bl

Kind Regards

Plato  :L

Off-Topic / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR
« on: January 01, 2014, 01:10:33 am »

For 2014 I wish you:


but the most important thing


Your friends, are the family, you can choose!

Kind Regards


Unban Requests / Re: WTF?
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:21:24 pm »
Quote from: FSR Ush

You get unbanned 04/03/2015.

What don't you understand? Ush said: Unbanned Year 2015, Month March, Day 4.
Today it is: Year 2013, Month December, Day 29. Now let's watch on the dates:


You see a difference? No? Watch Again....

Now you see a difference? Yes? Then accept it and do not evade. For every evade  + 7 days.

Evade one (result my ban) + 7 days
Evade two (Auto ban) + 7 Days
That means 14 Days added

Unban now: 18th March 2015


Unban Requests / Re: Unban me
« on: December 27, 2013, 06:33:54 am »
Nice try, but the IP Locator says, that you are online from a location, where another ban evader, is also located

Very strange...


Unban Requests / Re: unban me
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:42:02 am »
it is unfuckinbelievable, i don't know what to say
any fair admin can go with me to other server and spec me, i never ramm on purpose

It's not interesting what you do on other servers. This is AdrenalineX!

The first part of the ban reason is disrespecting. I saw you ramming several times. These rams, were reckless, cause you wanted to drive for your own. You rammed Troublemaker_[GT] in front of me. That was not clever. But i didnt jail you, i only flung you. But then...

I don't know why you are crying here. Be careful how you talk to other guys. You can talk to your parents like this, but not to me, or others here. Follow our rules, and play like the others!

By the way, i gave you many chances. I got many reports about you and you ram style. Don't think that you are "Genius 2.0!" Next time, it won't be a 24-hours ban...


AdrenalineX Development / Re: Abuse !!!!!
« on: December 09, 2013, 09:55:12 am »

You guys, have a bahavior like some 3-5 years old children.
"Rabbaa he has my, blablabla."
- "yeah, but only cause you have blablabla"

You are old enough to play your own game. Let others talk what they want. When you dont like each other /ignore ID pm, all etc.!!

But stop creating useless topics. If every player here starts a topic, for some problems with other Players, moo could buy all servers in europe, to save all this shit.

It's clear to see, that ISG doesnt like SRS, OSR, _[GT], _[H[N]L]_, RSD, AK47, FSR, LSR.... . But now a question: What's about ISG?

1st) If no admin is online you're breaking the rules as long as an admin joins. Then you start reporting what they others do. But what you did, you do not tell, or you dont tell the whole truth.
2nd) You can not do anything alone. You always come with your clanmates. That's more than a silly behavior. It shows, that you have a big mouth, and just hot air inside.
3rd) We (admins) won't do anything. We are not in a Kindergarden here. We want to play, and have fun. To keep this, we have rules. Everyone has to follow these rules, even us (admins).
4th) If you don't like people, block them. If you are angry/annoyed, leave your Computer, go outside, and walk a bit. Come back, when you're again a normal player.
5th) And please stop creating stupid trash-topics.

If we see anything, we can handle this, but we're not here, to solve your problems with players. You are old enough to handle this for your own.

Kind Regards


Unban Requests / Re: WtF Plato
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:11:45 am »

You are a ban evader, that also says the ban reason.


In this Topic no admin says "unbanned", so you are an evader!

Kind Regards

Unban Requests / Re: _[H[N]L]_RasTa
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:41:19 am »
I know. My mistake, sry. i inserted wrong ID.

I told the others to unban you. I can not do, sry

General Server Discussion / Re: The Official AdrenalineX Awards 2013
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:51:31 am »
Favourite driver: [2F2F]DodgeR
Favourite stunter: [AK47]Rob
Favourite biker: /
Favourite pilot: [AK47]odala
Favourite drifter: [2F2F]cake
Favourite race maker: [CtP]Vertigo  :L
Favourite mapper: [AK47]Malysz
Favourite nickname: [UK]PongoBongo
Favourite player: [TFGO]_Gabbie_
Favourite player to race with: [FSR]1vka
Favourite shooter in IV races: Troublemaker_[GT]
Favourite DMer: [2F2F]cake
Favourite mode in AX (/tt, /stunt, /tv etc): /race
Least favourite mode: /spec
Favourite clan: MAF
Most annoying clan: [ISG]
Most annoying player: Troublemaker_[GT] (skip skip skip skip:L
Biggest record whore: [2F2F]Mute
Biggest spammer: EdyTheBest1997
Biggest rammer: [SRS]_Genius
Biggest troll: [Eternal]D@b@r
Biggest rager: [LSR]MoerkZ (miko)
Biggest lagger: turlupin
Worst driver: Ra]Fi
Funniest player: Gornall43
Least funny player: /
Weirdest player: malipop
Player with best behaviour: [LSR]Cypher
Player you'd like to meet most in person: [2F2F]DodgeR (in Falun on a concert of Sabaton)  :L
Player you think deserves to be admin: [TFGO]_Gabbie_
Most missed player: Mosca
Most improved player: /
Most player friendly admin: [MAF]Karlis
Most effective admin: [MAF]Nikki
Most abusive admin: /
Favourite admin: [AK47]odala

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:54:10 pm »

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: October 13, 2013, 02:25:41 am »
In the disney movie Arielle the mermaid are in the opening scene Goofy and Donald!  :L :L

But how do they breathe under water??  :L

also as moving pics

Off-Topic / Re: Call Cthulhu... and wish him Happy Birthday!
« on: October 07, 2013, 09:16:33 am »
Happy Birthday, in the hope that you become adult and wise  :L

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: October 01, 2013, 06:11:31 am »

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:48:37 pm »

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