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Messages - [LSR]Jalicno

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Suggestions / Re: Excluding noobs from One World?
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:48:06 pm »
Ye faking accounts or making new doesn't make sense in this case.

Suggestions / Re: Excluding noobs from One World?
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:43:34 pm »
Hmm,wait what is difference having server with 60+ slots instead of 2 with 30slots means in cash?
Of course same IP just different port,same as RSD got ages

Suggestions / Re: Excluding noobs from One World?
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:39:27 pm »
Ye sounds like good idea to split slots on 2 server and 2nd we can give noobs where of course they cant set records what comes on highscore list,so no abuse and shits,but also we must deal about admins who must stay there to protect server.

Suggestions / Re: Excluding noobs from One World?
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:07:28 am »
SA:MP is more popular than ever so number of slots rise with every new version.Not that long ago or let me be more specific on 0.1b number of slots was 16 and we(racers)was fine with that.Person who really want join on server can wait till somebody leave if server is full,so that will stop impatient noobs who only coming to cause mess instead of people who want play real race with other 30 racers.
Also there is huge problem what scripters(SA:MP) didn't fixed till today(dirty code) and hosts pc's can't handle all that connections on racing servers which cause catch up lag on start every race in one world racing.Its really painful when you trying avoid opponent cars and gain as much as possible better position and suddenly you stop cause you was hit by car who is in front of you...

Suggestions / Re: Excluding noobs from One World?
« on: September 18, 2011, 11:51:01 pm »
Am not lately on server but i have noticed a lot new players around who simple doesn't give damn about fair racing at all.
Often i see people going on purpose to use opponent car as trigger in corners without slow down or use god damn brake,which is painful for person who trying play by rules.
Racing server with 50 players is huge project for samp,so i am suggesting to cut number of players on 30 or 35 or give us 2 racing worlds where we will get proper treatment and for sure make fair race.
Probably am not single regular who lost interest for racing due idiots who ram and block without mercy and i need spend around 30-45 minutes to jump into A world where are regulars but often there is one or two idiots who fuck up all in first corner cause they are not skilled to hold straight line or take proper corner.
There is a lot ideas what i have on mind but this one is major

Off-Topic / Re: [NL]pascald's car: Project topic
« on: September 17, 2011, 07:21:20 pm »
Here is some...

Off-Topic / Re: My car: Project topic
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:47:48 pm »
Pictures are pretty tricky taken,in same time you see whole time but in same nothing-talking about body condition but i have noticed you have some rust on front right edge so you should fix-paint that.
You can do a lot things on car but depend what you want to make,there is always popular type-batten in color of wheels or other color and you can stick that on front and back bumper cause your bumper isn't in color of car.Also interior stuffs...
It's hard to say more cause i already said these pictures doesn't show much

Off-Topic / Re: Windows 7 blue screen
« on: September 15, 2011, 12:01:18 pm »
Overheating CPU/GPU due usage of resources or your machine doesn't hold 5v which is needed to run proper external disk.
Probably is last what i count and solution is USB hub with external power unit(adapter)
For example this model

Off-Topic / Re: PC Spec's thread
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:46:19 am »
But I got a problem when I play samp. When I'm releasing button the game acts as if I'm still pressing it. This is more or less acceptable with W, but quite horrible with A or D (pressed while turning). I haven't overclocked it or tweaked it in any way. Please help me to fix this issue
Play on arrows or change keyboard,probably there is some dirt cause of coffee,juice or other liquids if somebody spill out some....

Off-Topic / Re: Driver San Francisco Problemmm
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:39:56 pm »
Here we finally are! Driver San Francisco is now available in your favorite stores on PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii

See PC version isn't available yet  ;)

Off-Topic / Re: Your car...
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:27:28 pm »
there is still huge quality gap between fiat and e.g. audi produced at that time. At least all the parts I had to replace were reasonably cheaper.

Uh mate you compare something what isn't possible compare.
Audi have long history and for sure quality whole time that is why prices are higher.
Of course they have total different strategy what car should be,they not trying make unsafe small car and to cost like Fiat Punto 10K euro,
at that time instead of Audi A3 who cost like double...
Fiat never was such quality,it was cheap and good for money what you pay same as VW if you trying compare Fiat with Germans cars and parts

General Server Discussion / Re: A little complaint
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:08:42 pm »
Like always there is 'some' lack of evidence which cause situation like this.
Sorry but i have no video to give you proof where he cheated,or if i had any somebody would say there is nothing suspicious and my proof fail.
Also i have no 1TB hard drive to record like 1 hour material and cut just 5 sec where he cheated to give you enough proof.
Its not first time people trick us,but well our community wont fail if we let him play again.He is not first who avoid perm ban...
There will be another chance to catch him if he dare to cheat again.
Also little appeal he was suspicious 2 times so print that somewhere if he comes 3rd time here to say we banned him wrongfully that would be really ridiculous.
Also i have checked he played last 2 or 3 days at time where i didn't was able to play and other admins didn't give damn about ban.
Lack of evidence or lack of communication between admins caused he avoid whole system and crap like total clean and of course not guilty

Nothing left to say,unban him this time

Unban Requests / Re: unfairly banned : Aigeas
« on: September 08, 2011, 11:27:11 pm »
About his first ban i can give him chance to play again cause he didn't cheated that time.It was insulting an admin so not big drama about that.
But lets see what [KBnF]mouman have to say cause he wrote some speedhack.
If he really cheated he deserve to stay banned

General Server Discussion / Re: A little complaint
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:55:45 pm »
I thought you were allowed to keep your fps at 100 or less?

For sure person is allowed to keep FPS at 100 or less but he didn't dare to show he have only that setup on drag tracks what is worst he said i lied about that.But i have caught him later he cheated.

General Server Discussion / Re: A little complaint
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:46:11 pm »
2 or 3 days are way too long period,even 5 minutes is enough time to remove whole crap from PC to make game clean.

About missed tracks i am sure you had chance to finish them,but you got better things to do like turn car on ramp instead of holding W button 14 sec same was in other 2 tracks when you start after 15 or 20 sec and then on half you slow down and start sending messages on chatbox.Dude i have spectated you more than 40 minutes i have saw everything.Also another guy did same and can prove my words if is necessary.

And last question what you made.I can understand somebody playing with fake account if is bored of other turkish players when there is like 50 active players,but if on server is just 10 players where you and your friend are only who coming from turkey your reason to wear fake name fail.
Also you have nothing to loose now cause you have lost everything and why not blaming somebody else instead of being quiet take.

About justice what you want for other turkish players i have already 2 of them in my team and for sure they know am doing best to prove that 50 or 500 or 50000 turkish players aren't cheater at all.Wearing fake name and playing with mods person who was probably best racer in whole Turkey 2007 or later not doing good job for all that kids who visit your site,you teaching them wrong and i can imagine what they are capable to do if their idol is you.
You doesn't help them you making total opposite....

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