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Messages - [LSR]InZaneR

Pages: 1 2 [3]
AdrenalineX Development / Re: Complaints
« on: December 16, 2012, 11:37:43 am »
I just post this here, because i've got no permission to post it in Miko's unban request.
So here we go:

ban is for what happened few hours ago, on the sabre races, we finally agreed that its impossible to do without cheats.
reason is grip, not grid hacks.
first you got top2 on sabre-rain-nitro on the first try which is suspicious,...

Why is it suspicious to set a Top1 on first attempt ?- Miko plays long enough here so you could expect that.

... then you got top1 sabre_rain with 300ms advantage of existing record,...

So what, 0.300 seconds is not much. Most of Miko's highscores are not much better than the former top1's.

... and phobos saw you having the 300ms advantage on the first cp, which is impossible.

Do you have proof of that ? Did you record it ? - I guess not. Kentas had Grip hacks and you didn't ban him until you had proof of it. You can't even say if the guy in second position failed the first few corners...

both races are old and played regularly.

Yes old, but not played regularly. It's not impossible to beat top1's in old races.

also, you used to be quite worse at racing, and getting dodger scale skill so suddenly is quite impossible too.

So you say because of his stats he's not able to set records like this one ? You can't put Dodger as a scale for records because in ''sabre_rain'' he's got Top4, which means there are 2 guys + Miko who beat Dodger already. And also what if he used to be worse ? Everyone can improve, Sanni is the best example. As i met him he was a noob, now he sets incredible records.

My point is clear i guess. There are more racers, including me, who've been setting incredible records and didn't get banned for it...

Xmas Tourney 2012 / Re: Xmas Tourney ROUND 1
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:48:22 pm »
I'm in :P

General Server Discussion / Re: The Official AdrenalineX Awards 2012
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:31:18 pm »
Favourite stunter:
Favourite biker: [LSR]Exodus
Favourite driver: [LSR]Alex
Favourite pilot: [LSR]Exodus
Favourite drifter:
Favourite race maker: [RSD]Plato
Favourite nickname: fastcake
Favourite player: [LSR]McD0n3ld
Favourite player to race with: [LSR]Alex
Favourite mode in ax (/tt, /stunt, /tv etc): /Race
Favourite clan: MAF
Most annoying clan: [ER]
Biggest record whore: [2F2F]DodgeR
Biggest spammer: [SFX]ATAWNA
Biggest troll: [FSR]Ush
Biggest rager: [AK47]abeR
Funniest player: fastcake
Weirdest player: Pino
Player you'd like to meet most in person: [LSR]Alex
Player you think deserves to be admin: [LSR]Gary
Biggest rammer: Ze_Colmeia
Most missed player:
Most improved player: [LSR]Alex
Most player friendly admin: [MAF]Rac3r
Most effective admin: [MAF]mooman
Most abusive admin: [FSR]MartinAgusMeze
Favourite admin: OuzoMeze

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