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Messages - Plato

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Off-Topic / Re: #Photos of AdrenalineX Players!
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:18:32 pm »
I had that in December 2014 too, 25km before munich. -15°C

Unban Requests / Re: seriously?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:42:18 pm »
how many times you got rammed by me? today.
only 1 times and you banned me after 10-15 minutes.
look at my ping.

some times my ping was 500+
don't worry next time i will record my every race.
then you will see the real rammers.
i will not care about lags. i will care about only game preview as video.
you banned me cuz you saw me in your scren that i rammed you.
but in my screen you was behind me distance length of 3 cars.
i can proove these types of lags.

Can you stop lying please? The ping is from yesterday - maybe at the time, where the DDoS-attack was.

Because >> [eXt]Saika was last online yesterday - and not today !!!


A new proof, that no one can trust you!

Kind Regards

Unban Requests / Re: seriously?
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:08:05 pm »
name            Shooter_[ISG]
banned ip
reason           Ramming+abuse

First few words - first lie: the ban reason says nothing about "abuse".

i got banned by Plato.everybody did knows about my lags. these days my ping is higher than 450ms.
in my screen i was infront of Plato & also in leader board, then i takes a turn cuz there was a turn. there was more space to pass , but he punished me for ramming.
then i entred /tt.
after 3-4 races Pusheen was crying , and he was teaching me about ramming and IT.
i was not answering him,
but he was telling about only me . then i told these words "fuck off idiot"   "or i will abuse you"
just these words and then plato ban me.
what about other players? when they are abusing about someone's mother, sister.

You Ping is/was between 300 and 350. I know this exactly, cause i watch out for the laggers. And Your ping was never near to 450, like you want to tell us here.

In Your screen (correct in your screen!!) you were in front of me. But on server you told only about the leaders list. And when you turn left, and watch the leaders list, you exactly know what happend on your left screen side? Wow, you must be a very good computer gamer.

There was no more space to pass? Sure, cause you didn't want to give space. It's not a secret, that you don't make space, for others. Only for stronger ppl (like level 2/3 Admins, that could punish you...) you make space. we can race it again, and you will see, that more than 50% of the players on this server can handle it with 3-5 ppl. So, you must be very bad computer gamer...
I punished you? No, i just flung you. You could type /sos but, you did not. You started discussing, and raged to /tt - like always, when you don't rage to /afk or /tv.

Pusheen wasn't crying after 3-4 Races. And i know why your Screen doesn't show the minutes before, cause you started flaming, and there were several times you used "f*ck off"... not only once...
and you answered him, but like i said: you doesn't show this on your screen, although you could do.

of course you say, that you are the good one, and this bad admin Plato does his adminjob bad. i understand that you start crying here, where everyone can see, what I did. But, when you do this - tell them the WHOLE STORY!! But you can not do this, cause then you should tell too, that you are not the lovely cute boy, who did nothing...

You said very often, that you lag a lot. Then it's your job, to handle it. Not the others have to watch out for you - you have to watch out for others.
How many times, do you think about others?

Think about it.

Kind Regards


Unban Requests / Re: Bus_Driver
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:32:23 am »
Good morning,

first: I have to say sorry, for the long time to wait, but i don't live only online as many other ppl on this planet...  :L

second: i typed a wrong ban reason. the DDos-reason is just wrong. I was in teamspeak with a guy, that talked about DDos and i typed what i heard. (i bet many know this phenomenon  :-\ )

third: you evaded the ban from Waedon, so this is the only reason.

18/11/14 20:09   Croatia   [DNF]   Wadeon   Lampost Mod.

fourth: you also told, how you evaded

Kind Regards


Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:35:02 am »
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

Off-Topic / Re: Airbreak !!
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:31:02 pm »
imagine what we can do with this on the street  :L :L :L people will get scared

WWe did sth like that in germany. the poor truckers ...  :L :L :L


Off-Topic / Re: Your car...
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:32:17 am »
Ford Mondeo BA7 Titanium (2007)
Engine: 2.0 TDCI (103/140 kW/HP) | Ø 4.6 l Diesel/100km
Vmax: Straight: 220 Km/h | Downhill: 240 Km/h
Distance: 135.000 km (84.375 mls)
Color: Royal-grey
Xtras: He's alive :L

Unban Requests / Re: UB Tomasz.
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:08:01 pm »
Because you ban evaded, you will be unbanned in 2 years and 2 weeks.

See you then.

add the evades during last hour it is now:

2 years and 6 weeks

Unban Requests / Re: Unban [TFGO]Cakes_slave
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:06:53 pm »
already unbanned

p.s. watch your inbox in fb :L

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:22:19 pm »
Say: cheese  :L :L


Off-Topic / Re: Your moobilephone
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:15:59 pm »
That was my first one. Had it from 2000-2002.
When my old phone was broken in 2012, i used it again. Damn i was so happy to have this old cell phone in the underground :L :L :L

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:44:37 pm »

Unban Requests / Re: Loki Banned, respond
« on: August 08, 2014, 08:17:00 am »
(...) Where is your forgivness system now (...)

I thought about the Ban Forgiveness System. You evaded after your ban several times. If you don't remember, let me show you...

(...) I had cheat and i was a flamer, but now no one would ever said that loki and red star are same person. (...)

Nice, that you watch into the past, and agree to us. Cheaters get banned. Normally for the whole time, the server wil exist.
But we added the forgiveness system. But the rules to that system say: "(...) a ban, longer than 2 years - without evading (...)"

Well, in this case, watch again the Screenshot, which shows that you evaded several times.

If you don't remember, let me help you with this picture:

(...) But when Plato (Mondeo) heard who I am, he banned me instantly... I know he hates meand he doesn't give a fuck at anything that includes me. He only wants to see me banned and you are on his side. Hater admin is not good thing !

No, that is just wrong. But if you think like this - go on thinking. It's not my head, it's yours.

And btw, someone told all of us (online players) that you are RedStar.
If you check, who it was, please, don't kill him, when you see him next time, at any house partys.
And - we all know now - you are not a girl :)

Kind Regards


P.S. Starting several topics, doesn't make it better...

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:04:42 am »
New hair dress, moo?  :L :L

Off-Topic / Re: Funny Videos/Pictures
« on: May 19, 2014, 10:28:14 am »
C(ute)&C(lever) boy  :L :L


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