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Messages - Gizmo

Pages: 1 [2]
Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:37:25 pm »
And then how the fuck should I prove that I wasn't hacking,I dont even know where to get somekinda ''grip shits''!!!!

Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:33:54 pm »
That you're a grip modder and you broke the rules.

Ohh,so you think I'm somekinda GRIP MODDER?
That's total bullshit,If I would use hacks I would been banned in like all server with anticheats(where I play)

Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:30:10 pm »
Yea In video it looks perfect
It was rain I were breaking before every turn to avoid crashing im lamps + as I said LUCK...I know that I'm not a pro but sometimes I'm lucky enough to drive the race perfecty.

And what else should I say?

Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:26:17 pm »
And how about fact that I did /dm to fell of sky instead of running?

Teleporting? PFFT haha that sounds noob,and are there even hacks that can TP to player?:d

Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:19:50 pm »
so while i'm sliding around at every corner trying my best to keep the sabre under control, you do it with total ease?

i was also told that you teleport around in /dm killing a regular player

Teleporting????And how drunk was the guy who told that amm.?

Unban Requests / Re: What the christ???
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:15:50 pm »

perfect car grip. and no you aren't pro enough to beat mine and m4's top record.

Oh,I remember that race......And you think theres no thing like LUCK???
I remember that I were driving carefully......AND IM NOT HAXER.....
I have learned abit how to drive into rain(Not perfectly)
But if you do not belive me,I can't do nothing about that...................... :-\

Unban Requests / What the christ??? [BANNED]
« on: February 12, 2011, 09:40:37 pm »
My name: [Last]Cock
Banned by: Rac3r
Reason: Hack......if you think I had hacks,what did you saw?????
How the shit happened: I like came in server,alot of people was already finished somekinda chilliad race,I were driving with sanchez(Don't really remember what was race car/bike) I were driving and then I got banned for hacks,but I didn't had those god dam* hacks,Why the hell should I hack eh?
Admin who banned me explain what kind of ''hacks'' did you saw =]

IP: (Posted IP,cuz I don't deserve ban,I've been playing in this server for a kind of long time,and I wasn't hacking!!!HAX=For NOOBZ!!!!

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