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Messages - Clutch-H

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General Server Discussion / Re: bye samp and adrenalineX
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:27:02 pm »
lol with this pc, I'm thinking more of like first edition of TOCA ever released the TOCa 1 xd

and I respect ur help mike but "my hell" is kinda way not needed and gay ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: bye samp and adrenalineX
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:21:44 pm »
lol the actual thang here is not moanin or complaning, cuz even U know that all i moan about is ur races as bit of joke but sure an ass like U couldn't understand that, and even U know that thats not the truth what u are saying Ur trying to explain everything by my moaing wich isn't true Once I say something of U kick me off with, piss of and shit all u can do is kick it seems but U can call me with any name U want even if tht bothers me, I can't do anything and when I tell soemthing like U U do smile :O like some hooker and kick me and now ban I'm sure ppl aren't dumb as U think they are, and that they know who is an actual ass here

General Server Discussion / Re: bye samp and adrenalineX
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:35:11 pm »
ummm, let me think about what U said... ummmmm NO ur just BIACH !!

General Server Discussion / bye samp and adrenalineX
« on: July 13, 2008, 02:27:59 pm »
ok I'm leaving samp, I had nuff of it, but i still played it cuz it was sorta fun with u guyz, except one shermhead but I don't give a fuck about him, anyways I've been banned with no chance for return. so cya and continue the good comunity and keep developing AdrenalineX ;D         bye                   


Media / Re: Screenshots
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:06:21 pm »

lapsX  ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: New Admin System [Please Reply]
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:02:05 pm »
but I m kinda oil that just has needs to be put on fire to be even bigger  ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: New Admin System [Please Reply]
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:56:30 pm »
yeah Nice Idea

but I kinda smell something bad coming onto me  ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:53:50 pm »
ur one funny mothafucka Andy I'd keep this one on server so we can pwn him here and there sometimes and have some laughter  ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:49:28 pm »
all he can twist Andy Is his finger in his asshole ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:46:02 pm »
BTw R I just want to mention something so U don't have bad thoughts on me
U know that I have shitty pc and thats impossible to me to race with crowd witch would I actually enjoy in, my FPS just drops to low even under 10 FPS

crazyflo stuck a finger to ur asshole then smell and lick it, and thrn go away

if I'm owned like a little prick  u, the whole world would crash wich seems impossible

actually I think its more That ME Andy and JAlicno + MIkeGT TWOmed U guyz hard

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:42:03 pm »
NUFF is to see U to dickheads beeing banned on greatest Racing server on SAMP, that just brings smile to my face and to manny more faces! heck its ur lost in the first place!

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:36:35 pm »
now my dear assholes Crazflo and RUs- paxtry or whatevershit can FUck of the forum and fuck of the server! cya idiots

btw don't put ur self on same levels like admins, ur just some dickheads shitting and flooding server, and we are the one who keep it clean and alive

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:14:26 pm »
ramming is part of racing, and it wouldn't be fun without it- but IF U screw something Up U say sry, but if U do ramming on purpose and ramming like some idiot that doesn't wanna drive fair, I never kicked ppl that play fair in pro even If THey are a bit hard and even If there happens ramming, they will apologise like I will IF I screwed anyone and I mean anyone, but beeing an ass and not saying even a word + doing it on purpose Sure I will KICK em out

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:03:06 pm »
Crazyflo Ur an ass like Rus Is, lot of ppl complained about ur ramming In pro all U do is hit the corner going full speed no matter if U screw others , besides I ain't the one who removed U from  pro, it was some other admin wich U pissed off cuz of ramming, and quit questionings what Admin does U have Acutally NO right to do that, U fucking ask if someone is banned for speedhacking why is he banned? that normal to U?

server would be much better place if idiots like U 2 would follow the rules and respect the generosity when admin gives U place in pro world!, and blaming others for things that they didn't done and didn't say !

P.S ur dear admin HELL

General Server Discussion / Re: mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 11:54:49 am »
I say That Ur retarded, u won't learn me how to drive ever!!!!, U won't learn me and tell me who shall i remove from pro, and U won't call me gay admin ever, and don't bullshit about the jump U went there full speed impossible to brake without crashin of the cliff or crashing into someone that u will use like wall wich just happened maybe u didn't know but braking while 4 tires are in air  isn't working, besides u are a fucking idiot when U talk shit and I mute U cuz of spamm u use /me command saying that U beat the system, then when u get kicked, U come angry why are U kicked ? Ur brain malfunctioning or what?

if someone ask me  I'd fucking keep U banned from here

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