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Messages - [MAF]Sighmoan

Pages: 1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 [91] 92 93 94 95 96
General Server Discussion / Highscores suggestion for the website
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:52:30 pm »
How about setting out the highscores to work as divisions or leagues?

They could be separated by the number of races driven. Where the lines between each division would be i don't know, i guess it would depend on the player with large number of races driven.

I just figured it might be nice to break up the top 100 a bit that's all?

General Server Discussion / Ultimate buildmode thread
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:47:32 pm »
Is there one? Something that literally lists everything you need to know, such as grid positions, helpful do's and don'ts, car ids, how to best set up all the different types on races, how to set up multi-car races etc?

If there isn't can we start to build one please?

edit - And make it a sticky it it's half good.

Off-Topic / Re: What are you playing now?
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:45:29 pm »
or download :L

I was about to say that from previous comments in this thread it seems unlikely any of you rabble will actually be paying for it.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself !
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:01:25 pm »
isn't speed like a tablet, totally different from LSD
(not a drug expert :L might be wrong. guess we'll have to wait for r to confirm)

'Good' speed should be crystallised, so it should be reasonably uncut with other shit. Most speed though is powder.

Off-Topic / Re: My Speedtest...And What Is Yours?
« on: June 09, 2009, 10:31:14 pm »
Have that!

Off-Topic / Re: What are you playing now?
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:20:39 pm »
Oh, and Peggle too.

Off-Topic / Re: Messenger bug.
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:01:00 pm »
Skype pwns Messenger Live.

Off-Topic / Re: What are you playing now?
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:17:10 pm »

Everyone loves cake after all.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:48:01 am »
How about a 'race' mode where the race is the first person to blow up their car?

Also, post race could you get some stats up on screen, like 'Most improved driver' for the person who has the biggest gap between start and end position? Kind of like the things that Left 4 Dead does between maps.

Off-Topic / Re: A pic of my new pc game controller...
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:59:53 pm »
People using joypads, how do you look around, as looking (i use the mouse) is really helpful when driving i find?

General Server Discussion / Re: Forum time
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:58:20 pm »
That helps!

Off-Topic / Re: A pic of my new pc game controller...
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:26:19 pm »
Why people can't set their camera or phone to take pictures like in VGA size... When you're shooting a fucking 2 megapixels shot, it takes whole screen to load god damn it.  >:(

Or edit the size down before posting.

Off-Topic / The Apprentice UK funny
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:22:56 pm »
You might need to have seen the show to enjoy this, but it is good:


Off-Topic / Re: Android OS
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:19:29 pm »
That's what Mini Opera is for! :D

Running Mini on WM runs it in a Java program which isn't native to WM so it doesn't work as well as it could. I do use Skyfire and also have tried Iris, but both aren't all that great (or quick for that matter).

General Server Discussion / Re: Forum time
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:18:15 pm »
Fixed, cheers guys.

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