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Topics - SaroN

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Unban [mooman read this pls] :'( [UNBAN @ 7/12/2015]
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:53:11 am »
mooman listen to me this really was an evil that I have driven half the players with Adrenalinex server and I tried to be a good racer, but I do not work, so I accidentally found a cheat admit all do not play with any more citovom even the OSR server I play normally and without cheat here I will set up nicely unban request means I will not go longer if the server can be examined between you if you can unban for two years playing fair means and no longer cheat and I'm really sorry that I have used it at all: '(
and I was wrong when I see this server per day to be over 40 + players or more percent do not follow as a player but there's fun and has a professional racer and I'm sorry for them not to flatter but I'm sorry I will not just hang to use! It will never happen again I swear to god percent believe in him. I'm sorry that I stepped on a lot of names on the server and pretended that I like some Zifpler but that was not me and Zifpleru apologize to you and to all of you

Unban Requests / WtF Plato
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:05:01 am »
Plato Unbanned me i am not Ban Evader !!!!!
i am got unbanned :) but you banned me again ! for no reason

Unban Requests / Can you Unban me Martin
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:32:24 am »
I am watching Madeyes on Race and Martin banned me some Rain Mod i don't know what is that o.O
Unban i want on server

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