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Topics - [NL]_HazZard

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / [NL]_HazZard [UNBAN @ 01/01/2013]
« on: October 02, 2012, 02:59:33 pm »
Hello all, I am here to make my unban appeal, I know I did some fucked up things and I want to apologize for that to you all, it was an half year ago in that half year ago I changed alot I can act normal in the server like I showed on Goldstrike and killeyboy13, I know I did some stupid things like acting stupid, rules breaking etc. But I changed and Pepper didn't he's still acting like a little kid... trolling and such, I will accept everything you say in an signment or something, please I will accept everything even an 1 month ban or 3 weeks, please admins believe me.

Unban Requests / HazZard[BANNED]
« on: February 14, 2012, 07:40:03 pm »
Your IP has been detected as According to the ban list, it is banned from AdrenalineX for the following reason: [13/02/12 | 18:27:03] [NL]_HazZard - [[MAF]Phobos] [rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...] [Track: AlenOsmanovicTT]
Admin who banned you [MAF]Phobos
[rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...]
Reason(s) why we should unban you I don't annoying i just said the truth the reality and all the facts. You admins are always insulting me for that i am a tard and i know if i said back what i think of you guys you should ban me and that isn't fair you know? and i ain't acting stupid why am i stupid i just tell the truth why should i go away i did nothing wrong i tell the truth i ain't living in a video game so why would i go away ? I don't let you guys walk over me. You guys say i'm a tard and i said my opinion about snoops and than you guys ban me ? You guys give always a opinion about me and pepper and we can't give one on you guys. You guys always are saying things to us so we gonna react and than we always get banned! (BEING ANNOYING) why ? we aren't annoying....... We just give our opinions and that things and say what we think ? Why we can't think and give us opinion ? (Don't LOCK IT AND GIVE A REASON)

Unban Requests / HazZard
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:50:05 pm »
Your IP has been detected as According to the ban list, it is banned from AdrenalineX for the following reason: [13/02/12 | 18:27:03] [NL]_HazZard - [[MAF]Phobos] [rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...] [Track: AlenOsmanovicTT]
Admin who banned you [MAF]Phobos
[rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...]
Reason(s) why we should unban you I don't annoying i just said the truth the reality and all the facts. You admins are always insulting me for that i am a tard and i know if i said back what i think of you guys you should ban me and that isn't fair you know? and i ain't acting stupid why am i stupid i just tell the truth why should i go away i did nothing wrong i tell the truth i ain't living in a video game so why would i go away ? I don't let you guys walk over me

Unban Requests / HazZard:D [BANNED]
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:42:48 pm »
Your IP has been detected as According to the ban list, it is banned from AdrenalineX for the following reason: [13/02/12 | 18:27:03] [NL]_HazZard - [[MAF]Phobos] [rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...] [Track: AlenOsmanovicTT]
Admin who banned you [MAF]Phobos
[rules breaking, acting stupid, being annoying etc...]
Reason(s) why we should unban you I don't annoying i just said the truth the reality and all the facts. You admins are always insulting me for that i am a tard and i know if i said back what i think of you guys you should ban me and that isn't fair you know? and i ain't acting stupid why am i stupid i just tell the truth

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