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Topics - Gotti747

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Still banned
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:57:44 pm »
I'm still banned  8)

Unban Requests / Gotti[H] [UNBANNED]
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:24:42 pm »
My nickname: Gotti[H]
My IP addres:
Nick of admin who banned me: [MDITB]MusicloveR
Reason: crazy_biker

First: I'm not crazy_biker, he is a guy from my town (knjazevac), here is my facebook profile:, and here is his facebook profile:
This guy banned me just because i'm from same city with guy who did idk what on this server (maybe cheating, insulting etc..) I played with him on The Fake server, my nick: MosQ_Tropicano. You can still ask here if you think I'm crazy_biker:
Unban me, I just want to play, and to say something on Serbian for that guy:

Ne znam samo zasto si me banovao, crazy_biker je lik iz mog grada i to nisam ja, ne zanima me sta je on radio ovde a sta ne, pitaj igraca n0thin[G][S15] koji ti je sada na serveru ko sam ja a ko taj lik, igrali smo zajedno na The Fake serveru, cak nisi ni sacekao da ti napisem da li sam to ja ili ne vec si me odmah banovao. Ako hoces dodaj i mene i njega na facebooku pa vidi jesmo li ista osoba, nadam se da ces videti da si pogresio :) Pozdrav

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