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Topics - Owainnub

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Owainnub's ban appeal [UNBANNED]
« on: February 16, 2012, 08:25:25 am »
-'tank mod'
-i do not know what your talking about, i do not hack on this server, or most other servers, and, also i dont know what your talking about with 'tank mod' i was just lagging if you think i did not lose any health D:
-image (

Sidenote: i know i have a modded minimap, but i am trying to fix it, by downloading a gta3.img, but as you know, mega upload is down, so i cant download one, and the one at TPB don't work for me

Unban Requests / Unban Appeal Owainnub [monitoring]
« on: June 29, 2011, 01:02:58 pm »
•IP address at time of banning:  (its that at the moment)
•Admin who banned you  [MAF]Moonman
•Reason given by the admin for your banning 'car mods'
•Reason(s) why we should unban you: well im sorry, i did not know that car mdos were not alowded(i didnt read the rules since i was busy racing :p), the mod was only to make it look like a real life car (the cheetah was a ferrari somthing) and i will delete my car mods to help my unban appeal
if you want the photo here it is

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