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Topics - [uXc]REDTUBE

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / DONT LOCK!
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:39:39 pm »
@ush:Flaming?I didnt start picking.Ban evading?yes cause i like very much this server:(.Threatening?Yes because you pick on me all the TIME on msn conversations.Spamming?Spamming so you stop making porn shit.HACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?I said i will never hack anymore,man....,you dont understand me,you dont believe me,idk what can i do so you believe me,i never lie,if i say so i say SO.Biggest main problem is not me,its the admins that pick on me,i dont know why they pick on me,I DONT WANNA SIX YEARS!Sorry for being anoying but i really want 2 months ban:(

Unban Requests / Riot Topic
« on: April 20, 2009, 01:12:04 pm »
Pls dont lock this topic and ban me from forum,i wanna talk,its useless banning me cause i get with new nick on forum,i just wanna talk serious and on msn you are always showing dicks and vaginas that it`s anoying spamming chat with that shit.It simply wasn`t all my fault i got banned,a lvl 3 admin used usay on me,then because i said stfu i got banned,i shouldnt have said it,but i told them that day i wasnt feeling well and you still kept picking.So look,just think abit,the brain is there to use,do i deserve 6 years?

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