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Topics - Betty_Penis

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Betty_Penis [BANNED]
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:01:34 pm »

Off-Topic / Milk is unhealthy
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:03:32 pm »

Yes, the best part is here :
According to the research conducted by PCRM, milk consumption later in life actually contributes to calcium loss. Research has demonstrated that people in countries with a lower animal calcium intake (less than 500 mgs/day) have a significantly lower bone fracture rate when compared to countries with the highest intake of animal products, such as the USA (more than 1,200 mgs/day). (11) PCRM urges women to control calcium loss in adulthood by exercise, reducing meat intake, reducing sodium intake and limiting caffeine and tobacco use. (12) Dr. Neal Bamard, M.D., president of PCRM, states that "dairy ads give women a dangerously false sense of security."

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