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Topics - [MAF]Vertigo

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Suggestions / [BUILDMODE] Multi Spawn [Added]
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:55:10 am »
Because you can have multiple spawns now I think this would be a good idea:

- Having a marker stay where you placed your spawn so you don't forget where
it is after making new spawns.


- Like in SK, just having a car be placed there.

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 8
« on: September 08, 2010, 05:11:35 pm »

Start - 8/9/10  :P
End - 11/9/10  :o

Beware of these unforgiving bump hot-spots.

Don't say I didn't warn ya! *looks at bump magnet Ush*  ;D

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 7
« on: September 05, 2010, 05:09:22 pm »

Ok I know it's a rubbish race you don't need to tell me about it! lolz

Start: 5/9 (hopefully)
End: 8/9 12pm GMT

Won't start til a bug is fixed...I've PM'd R, see when he gets it lol.

Suggestions / Outrun Mode
« on: September 02, 2010, 03:09:23 pm »
I mentioned this to R a while ago...has probs been forgotten  ;D

Like in NFS U2, where you go up next to another car and engage in outrun.
For those who don't know it's pretty much, one guy leads the way whilst
the other one chases. If the guy behind gets in front, he now leads and
choses where to go. When the gap gets to a certain distance the player
who is leading wins.

Dunno if this shows it that well but w/e

I think this could be coded and could be good fun.


General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 6
« on: September 01, 2010, 05:07:10 pm »
Round 6 is ready!

Start: 1/9
End: 4/9 12pm GMT

Suggestions / Leaderboard
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:52:16 pm »
Something a little less...screen consuming?

Editable if possible?

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 5
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:40:03 am »

Round 5 is here

Begin: 12pm GMT 29/8
End: 12pm GMT 1/9

There is one bad cp i encountered during my testing and even though i remade the
race 3 times it still wouldn't work for me so this is the CP to look out for.

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 4
« on: August 24, 2010, 04:54:49 pm »

Round 4 is here!

Looks like the uncommited people have stopped trying, so that makes it easier for me lol.

Starts: 24/8
Ends: 27/8

12pm GMT

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 3
« on: August 21, 2010, 09:09:50 am »

Round 3 gets underway 21/8 at 12:00pm GMT

Race has been made, but will only be loaded at that time.

Round ends 24/8 at 12:00pm GMT

This is as close as I will get to an old Hockenheimring for all of those complaining
about not getting a break between turns. So enjoy it.

Round has finished.

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 2
« on: August 17, 2010, 04:39:19 pm »

Round 2 is ready!

Each round ends 4pm GMT 3 days after it opened.
[Last day today!]

Round is over!

Standings - Round 1
1. [2F2F]MikeGT - 2:20.642 (35 points)
2. Flopster - 2:20.893 (28 points)
3. [SC]Phil_Ivey - 2:21.831 (23 points)
4. [BkM]Exigge - 2:22.907 (19 points)
5. [AH]Epicnoob[SWE] - 2:24.808 (16 points)
6. MadMax - 2:25.331 (14 points)
7. [LSR]Bootsyou - 2:25.488 (12 points)
8. [LSR]Love - 2:25.773 (10 points)
9. 38 - 2:26.088 (8 points)
10. [SC]GgResSivE_DoNk - 2:26.658 (7 points)
11. [2F2F]SNiKeRiS - 2:26.849 (6 points)
12. [LSR]Gregorz - 2:27.098 (5 points)
13. [2F2F]omega - 2:27.140 (4 points)
14. [TRP]Ride - 2:27.264 (3 points)
15. [AK47]M4lysz - 2:27.648 (2 points)
16. [2F2F]DodgeR - 2:28.140 (1 points)

General Server Discussion / 2ourney - Round 1
« on: August 14, 2010, 08:36:17 am »

Lets get started ey?

Thanks for your patience, but we can finally begin now lol.

Race to be loaded: 2ourney_Round1

Remember guys, ask an admin to add you into te tourney (/f1allow [id])
After you have been added just type /f1
Be careful, once you type /f1 you only get one shot, don't press escape by
accident or anything. No second chances.

All the rules are in the sign up thread.

Any questions? Just ask.

Standings - Round 1
1. MadMax - 2:39.803 (35 points)
2. Snoopy - 2:42.635 (28 points)
3. [SC]Phil_Ivey - 2:43.580 (23 points)
4. [2F2Ft]DodgeR - 2:44.460 (19 points)
5. PyroFox - 2:44.505 (16 points)
6. mooman - 2:45.187 (14 points)
7. [AH]Epicnoob[SWE] - 2:45.422 (12 points)
8. [FSR]Mayka - 2:46.011 (10 points)
9. [SC]GgResSivE_DoNk - 2:46.155 (8 points)
10. [LSR]Draguna - 2:46.396 (7 points)
11. [2F2F]SNiKeRiS - 2:46.450 (6 points)
12. Karlip - 2:47.474 (5 points)
13. [AK47]M4lysz - 2:47.477 (4 points)
14. [LSR]Gregorz - 2:48.165 (3 points)
15. [DB]MaercZ - 2:48.476 (2 points)
16. [BkM]FeTaK_SvK - 2:48.501 (1 points)

General Server Discussion / Tournament Standings
« on: August 10, 2010, 03:27:25 pm »

Off-Topic / 5850
« on: August 01, 2010, 04:10:10 am »
Is the ATi 5850 sufficient for new games atm?

I'm gonna be getting a new comp and the 5850 is $100 less than the 5870.
I know the 8570 is quite a bit better but if the 5850 can run new games
on good settings then I might roll that way.


General Server Discussion / 2nd Tourney Sign-Up
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:27:28 am »
Hey guys,

I'm going away for a month tonight, so I thought I'd leave the sign-up over the time I'm
away to get as many people as possible into the tourney.

The rules this time round have changed. Rather than people getting knocked out this
time, it will be F1 style points awarded to the top 16 times. Time trial will remain.

So that is:

1. = 35 points
2. = 28 points
3. = 23 points
4. = 19 points
5. = 16 points
6. = 14 points
7. = 12 points
8. = 10 points
9. = 8 points
10. = 7 points
11. = 6 points
12. = 5 points
13. = 4 points
14. = 3 points
15. = 2 points
16. = 1 points

This way, everyone can race every tourney race and we can more than 2 people with
a chance to win at the end of the tourney.

Since we will have 2 tourneys a year, we can revert to the old system next tourney
and back to this one the tourney after and so on.

So sign up if you want to race and when I get back I can give some more details and
we can begin.

Other Rules:
You get ONE attempt at the race.
To join the tournament race in game, type /f1allow. This will send you to a seperate world to complete your run.
You will have approx 3 days to get your run in. If you don't do it in time you miss out, no excuses or second chances.

Once the tournament has started, I won't be allowing people to join mid way like last time.

Don't think I've missed anything...

Any questions? Just ask.



[U ]38  (siiiim)

General Server Discussion / CONGRATS SNOOPY!
« on: January 23, 2010, 03:43:58 pm »
I'd like to give a huge congratulations to Snoopy, winner of the inaugural UK Tournament!

Also congratulations to Flopster for making it to the final round!

I'd also like to thank all the participants and everyone who helped to
make this tournament a success.

Cheers!  ;D

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