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Messages - Faceman

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Faceman[MG3] [BANNED]
« on: August 28, 2012, 02:52:56 pm »
Name: Faceman[MG3]
IP address: 178.24.237.***
Admin who banned you: [[FSR]Agus]
Reason given by the admin for your banning: Ban Evading
Reason(s) why we should unban you:
At first I have to tell you I got 3 times banned, first on 25th december 2010 for speedhacks, second time was 4th september 2011 for lamp post mod and 3rd time for ban evading.

I'm sorry for using speedhacks, post lamp mods in the past. I don't have any programs that could give me any advantage / profit over other. It's the only server where you can find some good races and i just want to race, nothing more. i'm sorry for what i have donw in the past. it was unacceptable and i can understand you for banning me.
no 1 3/4 year has past after getting banned for speedhacks and i would like to know if there is any way to get an unban. thanks for reading and i hope somebody can respond my request.


Unban Requests / Unban request - Faceman [BANNED]
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:32:22 pm »
Name; Faceman[MG3]
My IP: 178.24.237.XXX
Admin who banned me: [[FSR]Agus]
Reason for ban: Ban Evading
Reason for getting an unban: Hm, i'm not sure why you banned me, but i think it have to be a fault :/
The ban was near than 3 months or more ago so i'm gonna try to get an unban :)
It would be nice if you'll respond.
greetings, Face.


Pages: [1]