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Topics - Madeyes

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Suggestions / Races database cleaning
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:44:57 am »
Hi there. As we are aproching nearly 6500 tracks in AX, we have a lot of similar races, a lot of very bad stuff, and a lot of old stuff too.

I was thinking, and I'm not the only one, that it would be great to have like a selection of some nice races to keep, and to throw all the rest in the garbage.

Server is getting old and most of the active players have got a solid experience of the game and races, mainly because we have a large database of races, so players are now more certain to qualify something that is good or not. The level of players have also inscreased, that permise more freedom and originality in building.

A cleaning of old races, and maybe on some non-old ones that are not good will let more room for new creations, and permite to have a race cycle of creations by mostly active players. And start building again with the skills the community gathered other the years, and start a new cycle of creation that is gonna be nicer and most of all less aproximative.

This would be a step further into AX credibility and will garantee a fun and smooth racing experiance.

Dont really know how it can be done and/or by who. But I think the community really need that to continue to progress in the good way, not to vote random stuff, not to be scared of votting stuff almost everybody will hate, not to have votting pole with only unknown random races, etc etc We can now exploit the SA map with more accuracy so again I really think this is needed.

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