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Topics - rus_11

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General Server Discussion / mr hell admin
« on: July 02, 2008, 11:42:40 am »
K well, hell must be the lamest admin ever.

Its always something wiv him, removes people from pro mode without any reason, lot of complaining, abusing his admin rights. Admin should be there to help people and not to use admin for himself.

Like today, Hell was infront of me(chilliad race) he went wrong and i went good. He makes a straight turn to the left, i had to go straight forward for the checkpoint. thx to his turn to the left i crash into him and i nearly fall of chilliad. He starts cussin in chat, so i ask are you talking to me.
I just lol'd at how childish he is. So i tell him it was his own fault. He blames me for not braking. Wenn u dont need to brake before that jump just wenn u land u need to brake. K well he keeps saying stuff thats more bullshit then i have ever seen and i call him the gayest admin ever. he banns me and i crash, so couldent take a screenshot.
But ok i call him gay get banned. Wenn he calls me a fucking idiot?

But same as i said, he just removes peoples pro mode if people crash into him, now i got banned straight away.

what u guys think? other people had experiend this, screenshots maybe?

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