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Topics - Roy_W0

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Unban request Roy_NL
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:34:15 pm »
So today, I jacked an AFK, or a pretending AFK admin in the middle of the race.

So you may ask, why? Well, why should a admin standing still in the middle of the road in the first place? Shouldn't he go to /AFK when he have things to do?

Standing still in the middle of the race cause people to crash. So could that admin break his own rules road blocking? Which is unfair because if people does it they get instantly kicked, but why admins doesn't get deranked for that?

So, today i saw an admin standing still in the middle of the race. So i though by myself, is he/she AFK for whatever reason? So i tested if he was afk and jacked his car. Arround 2 minutes which is very long to ban someone, i got banned. So i think he was really AFK.

I can't remember his name, but i know that admin knows me. And i have a question for you sir.

Why are you standing still in the middle of the race? Why not type /AFK if your going AFK?

I request an unban for myself, cause an admins mistake should not effect unguilty people.

Unban Requests / How long i am banned?
« on: October 24, 2011, 03:39:11 pm »
Its doesn't say. Its says only you are banned, but how long, it never says.

So how long I'm exactly banned in this server?

Unban Requests / unban please! [UNBANNED]
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:22:22 pm »
Can i have unban i just only want another map, it was a map with 202 red things with a arrows or something.
If you dont want to unban me ( :'( ) then can i ask howlong i got banned?
Okay soz for 3-5 spam in cc, but it not hard spam just a little, like this
"another map!@@!$%$!@"
Not this:
"another map please!@!#!@$!%@#$%$%&^$%^%$@#%%&%$#$@$@!"
please give me agian a chance ;D

(very bad english)

Unban Requests / I didn't use money cheats! [unbanned]
« on: March 18, 2011, 08:14:14 pm »
Some1 donate my like 99999999 or more idk like max money or something.
And after like 10 mil money i got banned >:(

Hope you understand me please! :D



Unban Requests / unban plz
« on: March 11, 2011, 08:39:42 pm »
I know i was annoying to admins..
And i got 150 hour ban.
But i realy want unban because adrenalineX racing is the best racing server and i playing the whole time on thad server!
Please forgive me for annoying i never do it agian!
Ramming and blocking do i never agian to!
I don't its need but i got a picture of my ban:

Hope you forgive my please!

Pages: [1]