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Messages - Uitblinker

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Tourney 6 (2014) / Re: Tourney 6 - Groups!
« on: June 21, 2014, 09:41:55 am »
How many of each group proceed to the next round? 2?

Yeah I think so. In the format it mentions that two players will proceed.

Btw having seen my group, I think I'm doomed. Nevertheless it'll be fun I guess  ^-^

AdrenalineX Development / Re: Please do something.
« on: June 21, 2014, 09:37:45 am »
Well it's easy to say to "clean it up" how would that practically look like in your opinion? There are too many races to check them all individually. Maybe there should be a cap, like a maximum of 5000 races? New races (if accepted) would kick the lowest rated or oldest races out.

Suggestions / Re: RE: Streaks
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:55:14 pm »
Kind of difficult dilemma. You could argue that people leave for /tt or because the race is too long while you actually did a good job there (or people don't allow you to have a streak :P). Alternatively, one could say that in case there are less than 10 players in the end (while there were 10 at the start), it wasn't a tough race any way because there were a few players racing. I'm neutral.

Tourney 6 (2014) / Re: Tourney 6 - Sign Up
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:25:19 pm »
have fun then, i probably wouldnt be able to drive all rounds tho
Well he neither, doesn't make any sense to be because he also said:
I've never been able to participate in one because I didn't have time for it.
When he don't even have time to sign up, there will be no time for the race rounds either.. ?

Don't worry, I wouldn't dare to betray any of you here. I am able to participate in this event, not sure if I manage to get to one of the final rounds because that would be due to a lack of skills, not time. :P

Tourney 6 (2014) / Re: Tourney 6 - Sign Up
« on: June 17, 2014, 04:22:04 pm »
That's awesome! I don't know what to say MadMax, but you're really a kind and awesome guy!  ;D

Tourney 6 (2014) / Re: Tourney 6 - Sign Up
« on: June 15, 2014, 02:52:37 pm »
I've just been told by some guys in-game that it's too late now  :'(. I know it sounds silly but can you please create an extra spot? I've never been able to participate in one because I didn't have time for it.

Tourney 6 (2014) / Re: Tourney 6 - Sign Up
« on: June 15, 2014, 02:40:58 pm »
Oh finally! A tourney. Hopefully I'm not too late. Can you please, PLEASE sign me up?  :-* ;D

General Server Discussion / Re: Financial information
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:39:32 pm »
(Someone had to ask this) why no special privilleges or some kind of a tokens of reward? Wouldn't that boost extra revenue (on the short term)? #daretoask

General Server Discussion / Re: Has website been hacked?
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:26:57 pm »
try using the "next ยป" link.. i think it might have something to do with it

Actually do not do this. It brings you to another website which contains a trojan-horse. Luckily my anit-virus scanner blocked it though.

Might not visit this website for a couple of days.

Off-Topic / Re: Spiders anyone?
« on: January 08, 2014, 04:06:44 pm »
Now that I've seen this, I'll probably dream about it tonight  :'(. I hate these creatures so much  :laugh:

Off-Topic / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:02:32 pm »
Happy new year('s eve)!  8)

Suggestions / Re: /ramwarn
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:28:41 pm »
The biggest problem right now is that only a fraction of the rammers get caught. I'm not really sure if the approach of setting a standard when it comes to punishments will be effective.

Suggestions / Uitblinker's shortlist of improvements
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:11:52 pm »
I'd like to suggest some small improvements for both the server and website. Basically these are my main suggestions (I have some other small suggestions but they are not that important to write them down).

- Timer: "XX until the next race starts" is a bit misleading. I got used to it now but as a new player I truly believed that I had 12 seconds until the race would end but in fact I only had 2 seconds left to finish. I'd like to suggest to decrease the timer by 10 seconds so it represents the time you still have left to finish the current race.

- Money: two things about money, the properties of it and the rewarding. Honestly money does not have a special feature or value now. We can bank it, /duel and buy wheels with it and that's it. Wouldn't it be fun if money has more uses? Currently earning money is closely related to score.  Basically the higher score you get when racing, the higher the amount of money you receive. What if money rewards from races are a bit higher and you'll lose money when hitting lamp posts? Or you lose money when flipping your vehicle, using the commands /fix or /newcar? This way money does not represent velocity or high race positions anymore, but rather precision and the effectiveness of racing without the help of repairing your vehicle or spawning a new one. This also increases the ways of spending money because currently that is kind of limited.

- Duelling: whenever players duel with each other, they should not be placed in each others group when a race divides the racers into groups of 4 for instance. What I mean is that players that duel with each other ONLY race together in so-called "one-world races".

- Voting: Voting is fun but I have a feeling that it's more a contest of which race has the coolest name and not the one that is truly the most interesting one. It's really a good improvement that since a while it shows which one you liked or disliked in the past, but I think it's not enough yet. Wouldn't it be more fair if the voting list gives more information about the race than just the name and eventually if you liked or disliked it in the past? What if behind each name in the voting list, information about the car, length and "type" would've been showed?

- Forums: add a shoutbox, that's a brief and easy way to communicate with forum users;

- Forums: create a special forum for events & tournaments. This might also encourage others to set-up events which could positively contribute to community building;

- Website: add a tab "clans" next to "Players" or "Tools" (idk) which shows a list of the current (active) clans. Clicking on them would view a clans
homepage with some nice statistics (like average position, score), information about the members, leader(s), requirements to join and an "apply" button

For me there's relatively much unknown about the clan system on this server. Is it just about adding a tag to your name or does it mean more? I'd like to suggest an improved clan system in which there not only is a special tab on the website, but also the existence of clan duels in-game and a clan chat. Maybe this is more applicable to RP servers and not so much related to AX but somehow. I'd just like to see a more comprehensive system that the current one.

AdrenalineX Development / Re: AdrenalineX IRC Discussion
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:42:36 am »
Any hope for IRC to be fixed? Since you guys moved the server to another destination, IRC doesn't work.

EDIT: It's pod that takes care of IRC isn't it?

Help & Resources / Quick question about highscores
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:06:10 am »
Not even worth creating a topic about it... but how are the points/scores determined in the highscores table? For instance: my score is 39

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