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Topics - [MAF]PyroFox

Pages: [1] 2
Off-Topic / Free/Cheap Games Topic
« on: December 12, 2012, 05:55:21 pm »
Every now and then, there comes along a game that is free for a short period of time or there's a huge sale, I figure it's worth having a topic to share free games and good offers.


Metro 2033 is free on facebook at the moment, you just have to click "like", you can redeem a key from these websites:

General Server Discussion / AdrenalineX Christmas Competition 2011
« on: December 23, 2011, 08:57:07 pm »

Hello players! I've decided to make a Christmas competition for the players of AdrenalineX, everyone can participate and have a chance at winning a PC game from Steam valued at €30.00 euro! It will be race based competition on the server. Heres what you will need to know in order to participate:

The competition is going to be a race in the time trail mode on the server. ( /tt ) The person who achieves the (1) record on the race before the deadline at 9pm UK time tomorrow night will win the prize! The race is called "AX-Christmas_Competition" and it is in /tt mode on the server. Whoever wins gets to choose 1 game on steam valued at no more than €30 euro and I will gift them the game just in time for Christmas! Good luck!

Thanks to Cromiell for making the race!



Congratz to fastcake!

2011 Christmas Competition results:

Off-Topic / GTA V
« on: October 25, 2011, 11:43:58 am »

General Server Discussion / SA-MP 0.3d
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:13:49 pm »

SA-MP 0.3d RC

Changes for SA-MP 0.3d:

- Support for Shoutcast/Icecast internet radio
- All misson sounds (IDs greater than 2000) from GTA:SA single player can now be used with PlayerPlaySound
- RemoveBuildingForPlayer can be used to remove any building or object from the game
- Fixed issue with radar jumping up and down while passengering in a vehicle
- Fixed quite a few issues with the vehicle sync which might cause vehicles to warp or to appear to be moving sideways
- Fixed problems with the motorbike/pushbike sync
- Fixed surfing on train carriages
- MAX_OBJECTS has been increased to 1000
- MAX_PICKUPS has been increased to 4096
- The frame limiter will now default to 50 fps
- Fixed some small issues with the vehicle exiting animation
- Fixed game crashes related to escalators
- Server has a feature to monitor internal frame rate in the network stats string
- Fixed an issue where you might respawn on top of the last vehicle you were surfing
- Removed the PED FACTALK animation from showing up in GetPlayerAnimationIndex
- Fixed the collision on the elevator model which would allow you to jump out while it was moving down

I have also made a suggestion thread to try and garner some attention to some useful race specific functions. I do this every major release, who knows, maybe we'll eventually get it.

Support it if you'd like.

Off-Topic / Happy birthday Andy!
« on: August 20, 2011, 11:02:07 pm »
Happy Birthday Andy!!!

Michael Moore:
Andy, it's your birthday.
God bless you this day.
You gave me the gift of a little sister,
And I'm proud of you today.

Michael Moore and Chris Twomey:
Andy, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Andy.
Andy, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Andy.

Michael Moore:
I wish you love and good will.
I wish you peace and joy.

Chris Twomey:
I wish you better than your heart desires.

Michael Moore:
And your first kiss from a boy.

Michael Moore and Chris Twomey:
Lisa, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Andy.
Andy, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Andy.

Andre :

Unban Requests / Banned
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:02:32 pm »
I'm at a friend's house, ip is banned? :(


Unbanner doesn't work :/

Off-Topic / Happy bday [STR8]Hunter!
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:12:15 am »
Happy birthday [STR8]Hunter!

Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Driver!
« on: May 15, 2011, 04:59:51 pm »
Where's Driver's happy bday topic? :(

Happy 19th birthday Cysio!!!! :D


Suggestions / Reset Item to Default
« on: March 22, 2011, 07:34:54 pm »
An option in the admin customise of /myitem to reset an item's co-rds to default. It would be very handy because some people fucked up the items.

General Server Discussion / MOVED: RC Helis/Planes/Models
« on: December 25, 2010, 10:14:04 pm »

Suggestions / Idea!
« on: November 14, 2010, 03:00:51 pm »
A duel mode, 1v1 race where the loser gets kicked/banned, good idea, yes? :)

General Server Discussion / SA-MP 0.3c
« on: November 06, 2010, 05:38:58 am »

Off-Topic / What's your mouse?
« on: October 23, 2010, 10:02:10 pm »

Logitech MX 518

Suggestions / Elimination Mode
« on: September 26, 2010, 11:12:06 pm »
This was suggested before but wasn't implemented because we didn't know what to do with eliminated players, it would suck forcing them to /TV or something so here's my suggestion.

Make it so that when a player gets eliminated, set the player's world to another world, lets say the elimination world. This world is pretty much the same, you're allowed to continue the race as normal but you've been eliminated. Use a textdraw to tell the player the position they came in. This will help with newb players not knowing what is going on, and they won't leave because they haven't been forced to quit the race, they can just continue the race as normal. So yeah, would that work?

Off-Topic / Portal free on Steam
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:05:17 pm »

Get it! Excellent game, and if you don't have a steam account, this is worth making one for.

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