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Messages - [AFE]Ryuzaki

Pages: [1]
Media / Re: Clan war NKC vs RTF(Video)
« on: February 20, 2018, 03:31:46 pm »
There is no that real difference between playing on 50 or 60fps, also
when NKC wins another team which had no their best players, they’re first to say “it’s your problems”
such an excuses, gg rtf

Unban Requests / dead_nikes unban request.
« on: July 06, 2017, 08:35:09 pm »
1) dead_nikes (I think that nickname I had that time, it was about a year ago)
2) 213.21.44.ххх
3) [RTF]Meso
4) "deadnikes - impossible top on Fierro_Skirmish"
5) Well, I'm kinda known MTA player and I think I have some skill to top it, these tops were easy even for me, so I don't know whats the problem, maybe you didn't know about the cut at the square lol

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