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Introduce Yourself !

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Country: England
Name: Rick
Age: 26
Interests:Anything related to AdrenalineX, Music Events, Women, Internet, Technology.

Country: Ireland
Name: Chris
Age: 19
Interests: SA-MP ( Racing and  DM ) Girls, Hanging out with friends, music, computers in general and other stuff.
Other: Just finished secondary school ( barely ) Moving on to something else like college next year but I don't know what to do, and I have no job atm.
Photo: soon maybe.

Country: The Netherlands (Holand)
Name: Frank
Age: 18
Interests: Girls, sex, boobs, computers, boobs, beer, sex, and food :D
Other: Plays other games aswell =o

lol skater mentioned boobs and sex twice :o

<- New Guy  ;)

Country: Ireland
Name: Evan
Age: 16
Interests: Motorbikes/MotoGP, Rave Music/HardStyle Music, SA-MP Racing.


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