General > Unban Requests

Unban Godzilla [UNBANNED]


Name: Godzilla
Admin who banned you: [RTF]Meso
Reason given by the admin for your banning: Impossible time on WhoIsBest.
Reason(s) why we should unban you: I understood the fact that it's not allowed with car mods on this server and I got my lesson. I want to play on this server as I like racing very much and this is the only true server that I like to race. I will not use any mods again and will play without any advantage to others.
I got my ban on my second account "Killarz" but it is for truly for Godzilla account so I got banned on my IP.

Hello. This is your ban:

46389   28/08/16 22:57   Moldova, Republic of      Killarz   [RTF]Meso        godzilla - impossible time on WhoIsBest

As you already said you served your 2 years of ban (Unban was set at 28/08/2018), consequently you can play again. Please wait for a level 2 admin to unban you before joining the server.



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