General > Tourney 7 (2015)




Time for the bonus round!

2 major battles to settle!

Group A

It's a 3 way battle for second place! [2F2F]Zero vs Shooter_[ISG] vs [MAF]mooman.

They are all on 12 points. Only the one with fastest time in the bonus round will progress to the knockout stage!

Group I

A battle for top spot here!

[LSR]Camilleri vs [2F2F]Phil_Ivey.

Who will get the better time and gain the advantage for the knockout stage?

A few very close margins in the other groups. A few players missing out by only 1 point.

If you didn't make it, thanks for trying and better luck next year. You can keep doing the races of course!

pls phil wrek him


--- Quote from: [2F2F]getwrekt360 on July 23, 2015, 08:29:44 am ---pls phil wrek him

--- End quote ---

he wrecked me already  :L just by 0.6 secs


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