General > Tourney 7 (2015)

What tourney format do you want?

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It seems as though many would like a return to a previous tourney format. What format do you want?

- Group Knockout - World cup style like last year. A number of TT duels in a group stage, with the people with the most points proceeding to the knockout stage. From there it's 1v1 until the final.

- Knockout - Every round, a number of players with the slowest times will be eliminated, until a final 1v1.

- F1 points - Every round, your times will be ranked. #1 time for each round will get the most points (maybe 25), with 15th or something getting just 1 point. The person with the most points after the last round wins the tourney.

F1 points style

If F1 point system is used, would that not mean that It is possible that we could have a obvious winner without having raced the entire tournament?


--- Quote from: Frostballe on June 01, 2015, 01:18:24 pm ---If F1 point system is used, would that not mean that It is possible that we could have a obvious winner without having raced the entire tournament?

--- End quote ---

Yes and that's what happened last time we used that system.

Group + knockout is best.


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