Author Topic: What is your hobby?  (Read 7349 times)

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Offline nero

What is your hobby?
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:41:02 pm »
I just thought about this, we all share a hobby together, which is gaming. But everybody got more stuff he does in his spare time. Kinda similar to other topics, this one is meant so we can get to know each other better.

Everybody can just  explain what is hobby is, maybe share some pictures of it, or even explain what it is.

I will start this, let's see where this goes.


Quote from: Definition from Urban Dictionary
A hobby of crafting three-dimensional models out of paper, not too different from origami. The difference is that papercraft involves cutting out shapes and holding them together with glue, whereas origami involves folding a model from a single sheet of paper without glue or cutting.

When did it start?
I started this about 8 years ago, when I found out about it. The first actual papercraft model I found and build was a CubeeCraft, these are little box modell figures of famous tv shows or games. They are easy to cut out and need no glue. From there, things went fast: With every model you do, you search for a more challenging one. You can find a lot of templates online. You print them on high quality paper and cut them out. Then comes folding and scoring, and finally glue everything together.

In the spoiler, there are some of the builds I have done:

[spoiler= Pictures]
(The squares on the black cutting mat are 1cm for scale)

Some flowers I build for mothers day. My mom at first didn't even realize they were paper.

Here are two Star Wars Vehicles, the Millenium Falcon and an AT-AT with movable legs.

Then I experimented with lamps, the square one was originally a little candle light. I scaled it up and did it with a DIN A1 poster instead of DIN A4. So at daylight it is plain white, when switched on you can see the colorful pattern from the inside.

And right now, I'm really interested in moving or mechanical papercrafts. I already did one with a working iris mechanism, powered by gears.

First picture is after cutting out all the parts. All in all 29 DIN A4 pages of parts.

And this is the finished mechanical iris, with an outer diameter around 30 cm.

My recent project is the moving gear cube. Often called one of the most difficult mechanical papercrafts which exist today. When it's finished, it will look something like this:


Right now, I already have the whole bottom mechanism (a little box with 2 gears for transmission from handle to vertical rotation) and 6 of 12 gears. This is what they look like:

And finally, this is all the gear I use for it:


Why are you doing this?
I think I have two reasons for doing it. First is, because I like to create stuff and enjoy watching stuff form and grow over time. Secondly, doing papercraft is like meditation, you can just switch off your brain and it is actually quite relaxing (if you are into it and have steady hands).


I bought a Simson KR51/1 about a year ago, also known as "Schwalbe", a moped from former East Germany. Mine was build in 1972, so more than 40 years old. It has a 50 ccm two-stroke engine with 4 gears (foot shifting) and makes legally up to 60 km/h.

When did it start?
I saw the moped from a friend and just liked the whole thing. The look, the build, the manual shifting. I drove his Schwalbe 2-3 times, then waited far too long. After some time, I finally had a place to put the moped and bought the one my friend drove.

Here is a pictures of it:


And this is the shit you have to repair/deal with, when you own a 40 year old moped. One of the previous owners wrecked the back light. His solutions was to just solder the bulp to the cable (fucking moron...):


Why are you doing this?
Because I like the moped. I have little to none experience in repairing a vehicle of any sort, so it is kinda learning by doing. I only had some little rides with it last year and still have to repair a lot, but this summer I sure will cruise with it through town or to work.

So, what are your hobbies?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:18:41 pm by nero »

Offline [MAF]Agus

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 01:23:30 am »
I feel like a loser saying what I do after what you do :(

I swim and I go to the gym, I started the gym like a year and a half ago and I go there mainly to reinforce the swimming. I started to swim when I was a baby, like a year old, my parents took me to a place called ''swimming babies'' (I swear that exists), but since I don't remember it (my parents know exactly what I did there because I was with them while being there ''swimming'') I'm not even sure it's worth considering it. Then when I was around 7 years old I started to swim ''again'' but the pool was too small so I didn't last a lot there. From the time I was 7 to when I was around 15 I did some sports (I sucked in most of them): football, tae kwon do, tennis, basketball, padel tennis, and probably another one I can't remember now. Then I started again to swim when I was around 15 (I'm 19 now) in the place I swim currently, and so far I'm not considering to leave it ;D

I think my reasons why I do those are not as complex as yours, I simply do it because I like it.

I used to play the electric guitar, but when I started the university I didn't have the time to play as I'd have liked to, so I stopped.

I'm sorry if you were expecting a non-sport hobby, but according to wiki's definition a sport is a hobby :L

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2014, 01:14:59 pm »
programming, learned myself from online tutorials and doccumentation, started scripting in MTA like 4 years ago, made some scripts, came here, started coding here. have done a lot of random things inbetween. also recently made a project which is based on photon simulator I and my friend wrote.

going to the gym (see agus excuse), have seen a lot of progress.

I like to cycle as well, but atm is not the season and also there is not a lot of will to do it after gym or in "rest" days.

when i was younger, i spent most of my time reading car/science/electronics magazines, drawing technical sketches, playing with lego, and watching discover channel (i did watch cartoons too, but they repeated too quickly) so i'm a technical person.
i wish i could find the sketches i did when i was like 8 yr old, last time i checked them few years ago i was amazed :L
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 01:17:52 pm by [MAF]Karlis »

Offline nero

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 01:37:51 pm »
@Agus: Doesn't matter, we're not here to compare, but to share. I have to admit I might have overdone the whole hobby thing a little bit. I guess you and Karlis could also write a lot, but to most people, your own hobby looks quite boring, while others might be interested in it.

For example, Karlis could probably be proud of some thousand lines of code he wrote in his whole life. And you might be proud of all the stuff you have already tried and actually know how to do these. I only went swimming in a team as kid and have no further knowledge in sports whatsoever.

Offline Skream!

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 01:49:09 pm »

Offline [LSR]Cypher

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 05:35:56 pm »
My major hobby is this one.

Why? Because for me there is something special when you pick the disk, take it from the sleeve, put it on the platter, turn on the player, put the needle on the track and listen to it. Music always raised my mood when I needed it.

I don't scratch, just plain listen to them. Scratching is probably cool too, but I'm not that much interested in it, plus it spoils the disk, while I want my collection to last as long as possible.

Mostly I got a classic house and other electronic music (1985-1995), some of it you can check on my facebook if you're interested. Another, smaller part of the vinyls that I have remind me of the good old times I had that are now impossible to reproduce.

I got about 80 disks so far. Most of it was bought for dirt cheap (about 2-5 Euro) from UK, Italy and Germany. Some disks I consider gems both by what's recorded on it and by the price.

It feels good to come home from work and throw a little party for myself with the tracks I've chosen.

Oh and also I've recently upgraded from the soviet player to the one you see on the photo. It has all the bells and whistles possible on the market, so I'm really happy and fully enjoy it ;)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 05:39:11 pm by [ЛСР]Сайфер »

Offline nero

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2014, 08:44:53 pm »
Come on people!

Offline MadMax

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2014, 10:27:24 pm »
My major hobby is this one.

Why? Because for me there is something special when you pick the disk, take it from the sleeve, put it on the platter, turn on the player, put the needle on the track and listen to it. Music always raised my mood when I needed it.

got such thing too, +around 40-50 vinyls (moslty classic rock, rock n roll, 70-80 pop etc, few singles too)
vinyl and cd or mp3 is no compare, vinyl music kills everything, so hmm.. can't find proper word... just a'som and far superior to electronic formats!

back to topic, my hobby?
Alfa Romeo, well, so far collecting parts, gonna see what happens this summer holidays
apart from that started few models (airliners 1:144 scale, train 1:87 or few cars)

long time ago started playing guitar (acoustic yet) but time go by and since few (3-4) years did not play at all.... maybe someday try again

atm bit busy studing, so less time for hobby

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Offline [FSR]Ush

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2014, 09:19:36 am »
My hobby is to get drunk :L

Offline [MAF]Snoopy

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 11:46:26 am »
SAMP, girls, mates, nerdy stuff , adrenalinex :p
Other: in college failing my course cos i get distracted too easily..

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2014, 12:28:53 pm »
got such thing too, +around 40-50 vinyls (moslty classic rock, rock n roll, 70-80 pop etc, few singles too)
vinyl and cd or mp3 is no compare, vinyl music kills everything, so hmm.. can't find proper word... just a'som and far superior to electronic formats!
i think that you can't really judge electronic formats unless you have good equipment, most often the sound is bad just because of a cheap inbuilt sound card or headphones/speakers, and neither is mp3 a good format for quality, its meant to be light and portable, not loss-less.
(i haven't used vinyl myself, so i can't favor either one, but i just think that your statement is kind of off)

but its a great hobby nevertheless.

Offline MadMax

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2014, 02:03:24 pm »
vinyl got it's special deepth of sounds, you can't find such in mp3/wma or so on
it's really noticable in classical or rock music
pop ones are just mix of everything so really doesn't matter a lot

PLEASE, IGNORE ALL MY SPELLING MISTAKES AND OTHER TYPOS True racing fans enjoy horsepower in ANY form

Offline [MAF]Snoopy

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Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 02:18:17 pm »
MadMax vs Karlis is like a showdown between Wikipedia vs the Encyclopedia.

Offline [MAF]Jur1z

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 03:09:31 pm »

Offline nero

Re: What is your hobby?
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2014, 11:53:22 am »
Some of my recent works. They are cut by hand.

I'm planning on getting them framed and maybe light them up with an RGB-LED-system, which I ordered online.

Also, more variations in words and backgrounds are still in the work (recently got 3 project simultaneously on my desk...).
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 11:57:48 am by nero »