Author Topic: Races database cleaning  (Read 13578 times)

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Offline Madeyes

Races database cleaning
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:44:57 am »
Hi there. As we are aproching nearly 6500 tracks in AX, we have a lot of similar races, a lot of very bad stuff, and a lot of old stuff too.

I was thinking, and I'm not the only one, that it would be great to have like a selection of some nice races to keep, and to throw all the rest in the garbage.

Server is getting old and most of the active players have got a solid experience of the game and races, mainly because we have a large database of races, so players are now more certain to qualify something that is good or not. The level of players have also inscreased, that permise more freedom and originality in building.

A cleaning of old races, and maybe on some non-old ones that are not good will let more room for new creations, and permite to have a race cycle of creations by mostly active players. And start building again with the skills the community gathered other the years, and start a new cycle of creation that is gonna be nicer and most of all less aproximative.

This would be a step further into AX credibility and will garantee a fun and smooth racing experiance.

Dont really know how it can be done and/or by who. But I think the community really need that to continue to progress in the good way, not to vote random stuff, not to be scared of votting stuff almost everybody will hate, not to have votting pole with only unknown random races, etc etc We can now exploit the SA map with more accuracy so again I really think this is needed.

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 12:17:59 pm »
many admins never delete old races because they are "classic", but i think that's bullshit.
if a race is repetitive, overused, or with bad cps, it should be deleted, no matter when it was created.
but as a general wipe, that probably won't happen.

Offline [FSR]Ush

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 12:21:31 pm »
I partly disagree Karlis, these races can have a higher nostalgic value towards that admin, which makes it harder to delete it. But I agree races of any sort, old or moomans, should get deleted if they don't qualify anymore for our 'race standards' (which is a quite vague term tho).

Offline Scorpion.

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 12:46:29 pm »
an other thing, there're over 6000 track , but when im online, as if sometimes i race ever on same tracks.
i think is necessary to implement the script of the race list

Offline [MAF]Snoopy

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 01:02:58 pm »
I don't quite understand the logic of wanting to delete old normal races just because they're old and may be not up to standard anymore. Some of those old 2007/2008 races may be old or bad but that should be forgivable for that time frame, what you should be dealing with is new bad races that get accepted or added, there is no excuse for it now.

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 01:19:52 pm »
I don't quite understand the logic of wanting to delete old normal races just because they're old and may be not up to standard anymore. Some of those old 2007/2008 races may be old or bad but that should be forgivable for that time frame, what you should be dealing with is new bad races that get accepted or added, there is no excuse for it now.

no one is proposing to delete old races just because they are old, but being an old race doesn't grant it any immunity, now it is as good as any new race.
i might understand wanting to keep the old records, but those will eventually be deleted anyway, so that's not an issue.
there's nothing to be forgivable for, and if it doesn't match the standards, it should be deleted.

Offline [MAF]Snoopy

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2013, 02:24:58 pm »
Considering AdrenalineX was pretty new at those times and people were still learning how to use buildmode, and creating races before there was any proper tutorial out there it should be forgiven. Now there is no excuse because everything is there to help people make good races.

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2013, 02:36:43 pm »
it doesn't mean their races should stay. its like with any old thing. for example, old, inadequate pc, that was good at the time, would still be thrown out since it is no longer good enough.

only reason to restrict deletion of any kind of races is if admins are not deleting them for adequate reasons, but that would just partially escape the problem and not fix it. you are free to report, if you feel that some deletions are not fair.

Offline Rob_Zamora

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 04:24:18 pm »
Nah don't remove the old ones, some races are just disliked cause it's a trick/skill race. You can delete the REAL bad ones but not the tricky ones

Offline [MAF]Snoopy

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 04:40:41 pm »
Nah don't remove the old ones, some races are just disliked cause it's a trick/skill race. You can delete the REAL bad ones but not the tricky ones

Offline [MAF]Karlis

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2013, 05:13:53 pm »
i never implied that i wanted to get rid of the tricky, unique or hard races, in fact i'm a fan of them.
what i think we should get rid of are, for example, 1000 infernus races around the main highways, or boring 5-lappers.
we had a clean like that before, but we still have way too many.

Offline [LSR]Cassidy

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2013, 05:45:13 pm »
How much races can the server handle? Is there for example a maximum? Maybe we have in a couple of years 10.000 races, is that the maximum or is for example 50.000 races the maximum? I was just wondering...  :)

Offline Troublemaker

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 06:28:38 pm »
Most of races I've raced so far are good. Only about 3-7% are really bad and should be deleted. Can't really name them cause I don't have photographic memory. Admins should, starting from now, give more attention on race's structure, for example, if it has a few bad CPs, it should be deleted. One bad CP could be forgiven, cause it ain't easy to make a perfect race, with all CPs being placed on a perfect positions. Also, long and "boring" races should be moved to some new section called "Long races" or something (if the race is good, but most of players cba to play it cause it's long).

Offline Torete_[GT]

Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2013, 06:38:40 pm »
i never implied that i wanted to get rid of the tricky, unique or hard races, in fact i'm a fan of them.
what i think we should get rid of are, for example, 1000 infernus races around the main highways, or boring 5-lappers.
we had a clean like that before, but we still have way too many.
Well, actually /TT mode was made for tricky races: those which are hard to finish/delay with, so in my humbly opinion they shouldn't be added to /Race mode. I consider that if they're challenging enough, they are able to be sent to that manner.

Indeed we need to get rid of those long and boring races which only 10% people like, and we've to admit that percent makes reference to novices who can't drive properly in the city or country side.

As a whole, I agree with Madeyes's suggestion and I would like to add my own related to this: implementing a new option in /Buildmode to set the type of race you're building (Drag, Circuit, etc.) to make it easier for players to know what they're actually voting (and even show the vehicle next to the name of the race in /Vote poles, but I partly agree with this one as slow cars/unliked will never get voted).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 06:55:05 pm by Torete_[GT] »

Offline Rob_Zamora

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Re: Races database cleaning
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 08:41:12 pm »
No, I don't think tricky races should be limited to /tt, they'll just probably be whored around, besides the fun of the "tricky" races are the results not the high scores. Are you sure /tt was made for tricky races? I'm quite sure not all are tricky.

I also don't think you should put what kind of races they are, the way it is right now is the best. No one knows what car and path, so no one expects anything and the more random the results are