General > Suggestions

Suggestions (Pre 0.3d Release)

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0.3d will be released soon, we'd like to know what you would want to see added.  Check Karlip's  '0.3d Changes to Script' to get a good idea of what's now possible with the new features.

Please keep this 0.3d suggestions only, any other suggestions should be posted as normal in it's own topic.

* Sprite Textdraws - Poker
* Sounds - Sound played when you hit another player in GTAIV
* Remove Buildings - Remove a few fences to create extra routes

removeobject function in buildmode so players can enter object ids which will be removed from the map on that race

AdrenalineX Racing: Horses


--- Quote from: Merc on November 14, 2011, 02:23:54 pm ---removeobject function in buildmode so players can enter object ids which will be removed from the map on that race

--- End quote ---

Fantastic idea

I'd love to see shoutcast inplemented as well, use a dialogg to prompt the player to enter a url, which will save to your account, so you can build up your own radio station list.


--- Quote from: Karlip on November 14, 2011, 02:38:12 pm ---AdrenalineX Racing: Horses

--- End quote ---



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