[19:50:27] *** {0AFF0A}Polejeke{00FF00} (Argentina) has joined the server
[19:51:56] Polejeke [63]:{ffffff} I'm a SA-MP Operator, i need to talk with an administrator.
[19:52:46] Polejeke [63]:{ffffff} @Owner of AdrenalineX: The server's name isn't allowed because there's already a AdrenalineX up on samp
[19:53:11] Polejeke [63]:{ffffff} This server will close in arounds 24-48 hours.
[19:53:32] Polejeke [63]:{ffffff} If you wanna cancel this closement, send some money to eljeed@paypal.com
[19:53:52] Polejeke has been banned by [AK47]skunk ({FF0000}Unreported:speed{AFAFAF})