Thats how people get confused and cant get what they want
Some says one stick some says three stick, ok talk about WHY you say that ? *rages?*
I just spent 1 full month for building a full-compatible full-efficient easy-budget computer for longest lifespan and tried to be wide-visioned.I didnt buy any SATA 3 or Sandy Bridge / Bulldozer (not out anyway) Cause theyre fucking too overpriced cause theyre new and top notch performing.
In computer world i believe everything should be matched to 2 and counting.Something getting their middle wont do as good as 4 of them doing lol Its just a feeling
I re-read and i see nothing useful to what Thunder wants or answer to anyone i think, just before going to sleep -stresskilling-
Note the post count(1911 atm) < corresponds to something i like >