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Server Bugs
Noticed any bugs in the server? Things arn't working right? Post them here!Examples :

--- Quote ---Hi, my vehicle doesn't change color after awhile, it just stays the same colour?
--- End quote ---
This is a SA-MP bug, for some reason after 255 cars have been spawned, no more vehicles can change color.

--- Quote ---Teleporting via the map doesn't work? WF!?
--- End quote ---
Again, SA-MP bug. Seems to be a problem with the latest R2 server release.

ElloZ :)

I tried to spawn a car from menu, /cx -> Lethal -> All Vehicles -> 2door cars -> Stallion and the game crashes :(.
Andy and me tried it again and Andy managed to spawn a Stallion but I managed to crash the server again :D.
Ain't I bad! hihihihihihi

PS Bender is The GREATEST!!! hihihihihihi

Thanks Whoo, I used LathaL's menu's and this is actual he bug.

10x for reporting, it will be ok next time server is restarted.

I would like to report a bug :O

well, If u finish a race u somtimes get a shotgun whit 5 bullets! :O  its true..
i let my bro play for few mins after a few races hey was scrolling and suddenly hey got a combat shotgun whit 5 ammo :O
i told him to kill himself and hey did ;)
If i can ill try to get a screenie if i got a shotgun :O

greets killerg5


--- Quote from: killerg5 on June 30, 2008, 09:08:07 pm ---I would like to report a bug :O

well, If u finish a race u somtimes get a shotgun whit 5 bullets! :O  its true..
i let my bro play for few mins after a few races hey was scrolling and suddenly hey got a combat shotgun whit 5 ammo :O
i told him to kill himself and hey did ;)
If i can ill try to get a screenie if i got a shotgun :O

greets killerg5

--- End quote ---
Nothing special. Happens always after you get out of a police car


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